The EE braggers thread!!!

Hopefully everything will go perfect between there being no problems getting from the hatchery and hatching! I'll post updates, but it's still a couple months away which sucks :/
Yeah I know so hard to wait
But its so exciting when they do come!
Hey thats what this thread is for! Ive yet to post a pic of my EE! I was really proud of her today though because she is always being picked on, even from the chickens smaller than her, and today she stood up for herself and pecked back at the other girls! Sounds bad that Im proud of that but for her its great!
Hello fellow Easter Egger family, things have gotten a bit busy due to harvest season and all. All our EE hens are laying various shades of blue and blue/green. I have not been able to keep up with you all but know that winter will be here soon enough and then we have nothing but tine. Anyway, finally got some good shots of two of our EE that have been nameless! Up until today. Actually we have decided on a name for one of them.......

Beyoncé - to the right of the roo

No name

Awww. She needs a name! Pretty girl!
First egg!!!

Here is the proud pullet, Penny:

She is 26 weeks and was at Point Of Lay a little over a week.

26 weeks wow nice egg for her first egg but if you add some protine to her diet she will do much better and rabbit pellits soaked in water till it turnes to a much and mixed with her reguler feed really do the trick as I have had pullets as early as 14 weeks start to produce 3 egg's a week with this little trick but also every chicken is different .....

She is the one I am writting about and by 32 weeks hatched out her seconed set of chicks ...

Her she is the morning I found her with her seconed hatchlings in the early morning .....
My egg hatching experiment is officially underway.

As you may remember I am using eggs that i am hoping are still fertile from my EE Roo Sherlock, he was lost 11 days ago now. And my EE Pullet Molly, she was injured just after my last post. Molly had just started laying the day after Sherlock died and was attacked by a dogs the day after i got the third egg for the bator. I caught them in the act and managed to save her but she looks so pitiful. She is missing all but one tail feather and most of her flight feathers on one side. Molly is my last EE, the poor thing is acting very sore but she is eating so I have hope she will recover.

The tiny Incubator arrived this morning. Its incredible it really only holds 3 eggs. It has a 7 watt Christmas bulb sized light to heat the bator.
The only drawback is it was made to be used in a room that is 70-75F. My place is only around 60-65 this time of year. So i had to insulate the incubator to get it up to 100F.

You cant tell in the photo but the eggs are green. They are all mediums (48g) and were laid 6-9 days after Sherlock was lost.

On the dog front; the dogs that attacked Molly jumped the runs 5 foot welded wire fence. I strung fishing line over the run to discourage hawks but it doesn't stop dogs. So i scrambled for a new cover and ended up covering the run that afternoon with a 45 year old fish net donated by my oldest brother. He is fairly mad at those same dogs. Seems earlier that week they chased a chipmunk under his truck and scratched up the paint, gnawed on the plastic trim and pulled a lot of the wiring off the engine. He's really really hoping I will go out to find the dogs tangled up in the net.
Gordonburrito, question about your EE's. I know this is an old thread, but I saw your pics and I have an EE that looks IDENTICAL to your Goldilocks. This is my first flock and I was thinking mine was a roo because he/she is the only one of my EE's that has a red, more pronounced comb and has more distinct colors than the others. Is your Goldilocks definitely a female?

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