The EE braggers thread!!!

The sad thing is in my layer flock I have high production birds. And m one RSL went broody at 1 yet old and is raising a blue AM for me right now.

That's strange for one of them to go broody. I only ever had two birds go broody and they were my bantam cochins. I never let them hatch any out because I already had this years chicks in the spring and I didn't need no more! They fluffed up their feathers and suacked at me man were they mad!
Gordonburrito, question about your EE's. I know this is an old thread, but I saw your pics and I have an EE that looks IDENTICAL to your Goldilocks. This is my first flock and I was thinking mine was a roo because he/she is the only one of my EE's that has a red, more pronounced comb and has more distinct colors than the others. Is your Goldilocks definitely a female?

I'm not Gordonburrito but in case you weren't already helped -- I haven't seen the post you're referring to but seeing their EE's in their gallery, all of the birds I saw were definite females. Showy coloring isn't just for the boys. If your EE in question has reddish markings in the plumage (or orange or brown) in the breast but lighter coloration elsewhere, chances are it's a girl. Do you have pics?
Illia, thanks for responding. I'm new to BYC and didn't post it correctly so gordonburrito saw it I guess.
Anyhoo - I have one EE that is different from the rest and has a much redder more pronounced comb, plus bright/dark saddle feathers and its tail stands up more. Here's a so-so pic of him/her. This one is the most dominant, chases the others around and keeps them in order! What do you think - hen or roo?
Illia, thanks for responding. I'm new to BYC and didn't post it correctly so gordonburrito saw it I guess. Anyhoo - I have one EE that is different from the rest and has a much redder more pronounced comb, plus bright/dark saddle feathers and its tail stands up more. Here's a so-so pic of him/her. This one is the most dominant, chases the others around and keeps them in order! What do you think - hen or roo?
I have a pullet that looks like that
Haha, wow! He's a one of a kind guy. Normally that color means girl, but he's a rare exception. The way to tell is look at his wings/shoulders, especially in person. You''ll notice they are getting a darker red and a nice shiny sheen to them. Plus if you inspect the feathers closely they're pointed, not round, and kind of toothy looking. Those are indicative signs of a boy in progress. He'll be a handsome gent!
Great, then my research and instincts were right. ;) I did read that about the darker feathers and it's nice to have it confirmed. It's my first flock. I am pretty attached to him and will definitely keep, don't have neighbors too close for a roo. He's the friendliest of my 13 and is quite attached to me!
Thanks again.
I definitely had misconceptions about roosters before I got chickens. They're an asset and so pretty to look at. Actually I'm sure my other Easter eggers are pullets - one is kind of like the roo but lighter without the dark feathers, the others all the darker pheasant/partridge/whatever you call it coloring. They are the coolest breed! This is a nice group - EE's must have the best owners too.
Also look at his tail see how the top is starting to turn down. I bet your pullets tails are more of a wedge and strait. He is very pretty. I love my EE roos. I have 3. Roscoe, Beauregard, and Axel.

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