The EE braggers thread!!!

I must say that out of the three EE hens i have, I am getting an egg every other day from all three of them. Im glad they are laying for me in the winter. I have man from my husbands work that is wanting some eggs to hatch from me in the spring so he can have eggs in the winter also. Im not sure what he has but he is only getting 3 eggs a day out of 20 hens. He thinks my mutts are the bomb as far as winter layers. One of the two faverolles i have has given me an egg every day so far this winter. He wants some of her eggs also.
You will get EE, Ameraucana is a breed which can't be made by crossing mutts.

Sure they can. It's pretty much a sacred tenet of chicken breeding that anything can be made of anything else if you work hard enough.

It's an Ameraucana if it fits the standard for the Ameraucana and breeds true. Period. Since there are no registrations, no closed stud book, and very few pedigrees, that's what purebred means in chickens. So if you cross Brahmas, Araucanas, Faverolles, Cornish, and Seramas (in other words, pick any five or ten breeds; I didn't pick those on purpose) for a decade and somehow come up with a bird that fits the Ameraucana standard and breeds true, it IS an Ameraucana, even if it has zero parentage that was purebred Ameraucana.

Dldolan, the first-generation cross that you're talking about would be interesting, but it wouldn't be closer to an Ameraucana than anything crossed with an EE. Araucanas and Ameraucanas are similar only in that they both lay blue/green eggs. From everything I've read they were kept as separate breeds by the indigenous people and an Ameraucana or EE isn't an Araucana cross and didn't come from Araucana stock. Araucana are smooth-faced birds with tufts (which are not feather clumps; they're actually a kind of head deformation and result in the tufted chicken having small or absent ears, among other things). Ameraucanas and EEs are muffed/bearded, which is a feather growth pattern. If you bred an Araucana to something, you'd just get a smooth-faced or perhaps small-tufted bird with a tail and whatever colors the two parents would make. It wouldn't look like an Ameraucana at all.

I was talking about the first cross in practical terms, it would be highly unlikely to get anything that fit the standard for Ameraucanas by crossing mutts with Araucanas.
On this note, has anyone on here ever tried to breed hatchery EEs back to Ameraucana breed standards? I realize it would probably take a long time, but I'm just curious to see if anybody's tried

Also, anybody tried breeding for larger EEs or bluer eggs, etc? I'm going to be crossing EE with with either BR or BLRW for size (or the pretty colors in the BLRW) so I'm curious to see what others have done
I am working on breeding a larger EE that will have feathered legs and a crest, right now I have a rooster that is half Buff Orpington half EE and he is quite large.
Ameraucanas are the mutts that came from hatchery EEs, so this post is rather flawed.

becstalls - I think this would be like making drinking water out of mud, the water is in there somewhere, but it would be hard to purify! I love my E.E.s but they do have a little of everything in them! I think it would be possible to create solid color or consistently patterned E.E.s through a selective breeding program.

I am currently incubating some Lavender Ameraucana over E.E./Silkies.

I have a couple of crested E.E.s that hatched monday. They were an Araucana over E.E./polish mix! One of them is not doing as well as the other. Their picture is below:


My E.E. Roo with 3 of HIS hens!

Ameraucanas are the mutts that came from hatchery EEs, so this post is rather flawed.

becstalls - I think this would be like making drinking water out of mud, the water is in there somewhere, but it would be hard to purify! I love my E.E.s but they do have a little of everything in them! I think it would be possible to create solid color or consistently patterned E.E.s through a selective breeding program.

I am currently incubating some Lavender Ameraucana over E.E./Silkies.

I have a couple of crested E.E.s that hatched monday. They were an Araucana over E.E./polish mix! One of them is not doing as well as the other. Their picture is below:

My E.E. Roo with 3 of HIS hens!

do you have pics of your EE/Silkies?
Have any of you found your EE's egg color changing from day to day? We have a little egg mystery on our hands. We know for sure that Jade, our EE, is laying. Her first egg was brilliant - well - JADE! A few days later we found one that is more of an olive color, and a slightly different shape. Our olive egger is a few weeks younger, and has not shown any signs of being ready to lay. The olive eggs are all laid on days we are at work, of course. When everyone is penned in together. Here are a few pictures - do you think they could both be from the EE, or is our Olive Egger - Sam - as in I am sam, do you like green eggs and ham? - secretly laying, too?


It's hard to get their true colors on here, but they are very distinct.

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