The EE braggers thread!!!

Chicken genetics!!!!
gives me a migraine!!!!!
If that's his mother, what rooster did you have that would hang that large comb and wattles on him? Knowing the breed of his sire might help determine what he's carrying. There are at least three whites; recessive, dominate, and silver.................... plus a another thought to exist by some but still unproven. He may carry one copy for recessive, but he's surely not pure for recessive or dominate IMO and possibly no dominate at all. With the corn/sun yellow showing in the one pic, not pure for silver either. The thing making it even more difficult is that all three can exist in the same bird, whether pure for one or more or not pure for any.

Sorry I forgot to mention his father, his father was a Buff Orpington. I bought his mother from a neighbor who if I remember correctly, got her from Cackle. Underneath all his hackle feathers he has black columbian like markings. I am assuming he carries recessive white.
I know I have 1 EE in my mixed flock but I think I have 2. The last couple months I've been getting 2 blue/green eggs a day, I don't think the 1 hen is laying both eggs. I do have a hen that I'm not sure of her breeding. She has a comb very similar to my EE. Do all EEs have beards/muffs? Do they all have colored legs? Or do EE combs, colors, legs, feathers, etc have many different types depending on the parentage? Will all hens (no matter the breed/mix) lay the blue/green eggs if they have the gene for it in their background?


Could she be an EE as well?
ummmmm, I've made the exception to the rules possible again. I have a broody EE pullet. Fingers crossed she snaps out of it, I already have two broodys setting, and an incubator full of EE eggs. No more !!! haha.
Here are pics of Tedi, a chipmonk EE from a feed store last year. She's very flighty, stand offish, will sneak off to lay, and still holds a grudge against me for culling her roo (he was destroying the nests and eggs) She lays green eggs, sometimes every day. The membranes are thicker than my other eggs, so are harder to crack without getting shells in the pan





I think she's a silver duckwing. I think she's a very pretty bird, anyway
If that's his mother, what rooster did you have that would hang that large comb and wattles on him? Knowing the breed of his sire might help determine what he's carrying. There are at least three whites; recessive, dominate, and silver.................... plus a another thought to exist by some but still unproven. He may carry one copy for recessive, but he's surely not pure for recessive or dominate IMO and possibly no dominate at all. With the corn/sun yellow showing in the one pic, not pure for silver either. The thing making it even more difficult is that all three can exist in the same bird, whether pure for one or more or not pure for any.

Sorry I forgot to mention his father, his father was a Buff Orpington. I bought his mother from a neighbor who if I remember correctly, got her from Cackle. Underneath all his hackle feathers he has black columbian like markings. I am assuming he carries recessive white.

My partial grasp of color genetics leads me to believe he is black patterned silver columbia, just by his apperarance, but impure for it. I'm not sure if the lemon colored blush is from his buff heritage, or just corn/sun yellow showing because there is only one copy for silver. Pure silver, I think, usually completely blocks red or gold bleed and does not yellow out from corn being fed or sun exposure.
ETA: Of course this means his mother must be a silver columbia with some other patterning gene present to cause the scattering of black on her back
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Beautiful! Looks definitely lavender, maybe lavender isabel? Is that the buff columbian based lavender? Er, or the lavender based buff columbian. Very interesting bird, either way.

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