The EE braggers thread!!!

First congrats on your little roo!

Ok... Blue Egg Layer X Brown Egg Layer = Green eggs to Olive depending on the darkness of the brown. SO if you breed that roo to a Leghorn since the Blue Egg gene is dominate you SHOULD get a Blue/Green/Olive Egg laying machine. I just picked up some chickens, and she had lots of AM x Leghorn pullets/hens ALL had straight combs and laid an egg a day that was bright blue! She said she never had one with a pea comb and she never had one lay white either
go figure.

My Leghorns just started laying so every egg is going in the bator, they are in with my EE roo
Yes the beards and I do have one of those. She is my oldest hen and still gives me a large sage colored egg daily. But I need more ! I do love the beards though ! Your are right about those !
have some easter egger eggs and should be interesting what I get cause any one of these roosters could be the dad
either a Dominique , RIR, Blue Barred Standard cochin, or splash and black Orpington.
If i get any hens will they lay olive colored ??
Don't forget the awesome beards.

They don't seem like EE without the Beard and muffs. Maybe a double dose of blue egg genes will give you a pea comb
(second generation to and AM or EE roo)

I have two EE that have the beard and muffs, but they both have straight combs... can't wait to see what color egg I get
all are acceptable
Sad news for me...I have to part with all my chickens.
we are moving with hubbys farms or acreages to be had there.
i am crushed..i have several i wanted to never part with

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