The EE braggers thread!!!

My first EE laid her egg at 5 months old, so thats about 20 weeks old. It was a green one and found it on the bottom of the coop on Halloween. I just got home from my uncles funeral a very emotional day so of course I cried. I lost my daddy 4 months before my uncle. Wish he could have seen it. He did get to see pictures of the girls when they were a week old. Let me stop the keyboard is getting fuzzy. As for red combs and face, yes, mine squat all the time, love to rub their backs, and you will hear the chicken song afterwards or sometimes before, so you will know. When I ordered mine from MPC, it said they were smaller than the standard chicken sorta medium in size. I ordered 3 EE bantams from them this year and I think they are standards. Looking kinda big
I think everybody was laying by the month of Nov. but one. She's laying now but she has a crop problem. Tried every thing for that. I will be waiting for bantam eggs this fall.
I bought hatching eggs from a local breeder. We gathered the eggs right out of the nesting boxes and I took them home and popped them in the 'bator"! 5 out of 5 eggs hatched. It was the easiest incubation, ever! Three turned out to be cockerels and were re-homed but they only cost me $1 per egg so I'm happy with my two girls. They don't look anything like the parent birds who had gold, brown and tan patterned feathers. Mine are solid black (Ebony) and white (Angel). The 3 cockerels were all solid black...So, I'm wondering what the "grandparent" birds were?

I think the EE's will be the smallest in my flock too -except for the silkies, but I keep them penned seperate because of their vaulted skulls. My PBR, BO and RIR aren't very nice to newbies or babies so I have a towel hanging down in the "large fowl" coop. The younger girls go on one side and the big girls go on the other. It really cuts down on the pecking during roosting each night.
What kind of incubator do you have. I am interested in getting a small one (5-20 eggs) / Would like one of those automatic ones.
Don"t know. Here's her picture.
That is probably a mix of pea and rose combs. Probably from a Wyendotte mix. Wyendottes and Orpingtons can sometimes lay pink eggs. If an Orpington, the comb would be a mix of pea and straight.

I love the comb!


Edited to correct color frequency. Ron
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Gretta thanks you. She is a little fiesty. Her and her sister Paige, Paige more so, sad to say, are feather pickers. I got some pick no more lotion and spray coming. Don't know whats causing it. Just started up late spring. They have plenty to eat and I keep 2 waterers. This is for 6 hens, plenty of space, try to keep something for them to pick at besides each other like cabbage hanging, forge blocks and now melons to pick at. I think I got a bunch of naughty girls. Hope the pick no more works
My first EE laid her egg at 5 months old, so thats about 20 weeks old. It was a green one and found it on the bottom of the coop on Halloween. I just got home from my uncles funeral a very emotional day so of course I cried. I lost my daddy 4 months before my uncle. Wish he could have seen it. He did get to see pictures of the girls when they were a week old. Let me stop the keyboard is getting fuzzy. As for red combs and face, yes, mine squat all the time, love to rub their backs, and you will hear the chicken song afterwards or sometimes before, so you will know. When I ordered mine from MPC, it said they were smaller than the standard chicken sorta medium in size. I ordered 3 EE bantams from them this year and I think they are standards. Looking kinda big
I think everybody was laying by the month of Nov. but one. She's laying now but she has a crop problem. Tried every thing for that. I will be waiting for bantam eggs this fall.
I'm so sorry about the losses you've experienced. I can think of so many times (this last year) when my chickens were the best comfort and therapy.

I look forward to them growing up and laying eggs. Hmm, maybe I only have a month to wait...we shall see.
What kind of incubator do you have. I am interested in getting a small one (5-20 eggs) / Would like one of those automatic ones.
I got a Hova Bator with egg turners and fan. I think it holds more (42eggs) than what you want, but it was a pretty good value and has worked great on 3 batches so far. The most I've had in at one time was 30 eggs. I actually let them hatch in another Hova Bator without the fan (but maybe I don't need to move them?). These aren't automatic, but with a good therometer and hygrometer it really held the temperature and humidity well.

I originally got the EE eggs for my broody BO...but she didn't stay on the nest so I put them in the Hova Bator. Buffy has since figured it out and hatched other eggs.
This is Buffy "pretending" or "practicing" to be broody!

And, this is the Hova Bator thats been working for me:

Some of the "girls" including my2 EE's and BO sneaking onto the patio.....I better go chase them off, again!
Thanks, Cali Chick. I will look into that HovaBator. I have a Buff Orp named Buffy, too. Mine is only 19 weeks old and just now starting to grow out her comb. She is behind in maturing than her 5 flockmates. I am hoping for eggs soon. The other girls are getting really red faced. I ended up having one roo....he is only 14 weeks old. Can;t decide whether to keep him or not. I really don't want a roo....especially a BCM. I'm not partial to black chickens....and if I have a roo, I would like one that would contribute more towards blue eggs. I know, I would have lots of green eggs since I have 3 EE's. But, I guess I would rather have a male EE if I have to have one..(Which I don't).. I have a friend who will take this BCM if I decide to rehome him. But, so far, he is really sweet. If I ever have to fight him off with a stick for any reason, he will have to go. I will just order eggs.
I got a Hova Bator with egg turners and fan. I think it holds more (42eggs) than what you want, but it was a pretty good value and has worked great on 3 batches so far. The most I've had in at one time was 30 eggs. I actually let them hatch in another Hova Bator without the fan (but maybe I don't need to move them?). These aren't automatic, but with a good therometer and hygrometer it really held the temperature and humidity well.

I originally got the EE eggs for my broody BO...but she didn't stay on the nest so I put them in the Hova Bator. Buffy has since figured it out and hatched other eggs.
This is Buffy "pretending" or "practicing" to be broody!

And, this is the Hova Bator thats been working for me:

Some of the "girls" including my2 EE's and BO sneaking onto the patio.....I better go chase them off, again!
Is it a Genesis Hova Bator?

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