The EE braggers thread!!!

Well they are all different and have their own personalities. The EE are my best layers (breed for that) of Large to XL eggs. I like all the colors they come in.... you always want to look and see what colors are in the hatcher..... the others I KNOW what they are going to look like. With as many birds as I have, they are not pets to me. I do have favs though. MOST of my Ams and EE are always at the door to say HI!

I don't have laying EE right now... I have some pullets and a new roo growing up, but I may have to give up my EE and Olive Eggers to make room for other breeds I acquired by accident.......
Like Choc Orps..... Cream Legbars..... The deals I got on those two breeds, I can't NOT breed them... right?

I just looked at your sig and noticed all the hatching eggs you offer. I think I need an incubator lol. When I get one hopefully for christmas
I will look for you. Also you have so many chickens Would you mind sharing your set up. Im always wanting to add moe chickens but dont want to over crowd my yard with so many structures.
I just looked at your sig and noticed all the hatching eggs you offer. I think I need an incubator lol. When I get one hopefully for christmas
I will look for you. Also you have so many chickens Would you mind sharing your set up. Im always wanting to add moe chickens but dont want to over crowd my yard with so many structures.
Yes could you please share your set up???
I started wanting only 12 girls now I have 42. I want to breed some and sell them but I am trying to figure out a nice set up to do it. I don't really want to add tons more coops(husband says no more after I build one more). I have one coop with my pets in it. Then we converted a shed into 5 coops. I am going to build one more coop with a dog run I have.
In my siggy is a link to my breeding pens we built. There are ten in a row and all made out of Pallets that were free. There is also a link to my little grow out pens. I use these for young birds and sometime big birds when I want to single mate them. I usually only grow out pullets. I have a few people that want my roos for meat so I give them away at a young age. That cuts my expenses. My MEGA bator that holds 540 eggs is in my siggy too.

Here is my brooder we made from scrap we got for free (shipping crate)

I only keep the little bitty ones in these. At about 3 weeks they go to some riding mower shipping boxes to grow out. ($3 each for ready made brooders with a top no less
) I don't have pics of those sorry.

We bought a farm with a house 68 acres and 3 barns. 1 is a 3800 sq ft metal barn, 2 stories in some places. I grow out the pullets and chicks in that barn. Out side this big barn is a building like a 3 car garage. Someone had already used part of it for a chicken coop so we just made it bigger and better.

This is our central waterer. We have pipes running in all 4 coops and have to fill it about once a month or so. More in the summer.

Each pen has a coop and nest box. A large feeder that holds 50lbs of feed. I am a lazy chicken farmer.

This is a view of the front of this three car garage thing. The sides are the runs and are divided in half on each side so I have 4 pens.

Just a view of one side, the other is just like it really. We made the doors out of pallet tops they called them.

This is the back. I have one small pen we build for d'Uccles but I sold all them and I have my WL on them now for a short time. My Silver Penciled Wyandotte bantams will live there in the future.

Closer look at the little pen. It has a metal roof now

My breeding pens are way in the back and no one can see them.... not even the neighbors.
There are so many trees I don't even think a plane could see them

Most of the 300 are chicks and pullets growing out. I will cull some of the pullets as they start to lay. The chicks will get thinned out as I find roos. I am really cutting back on hatching. I have been putting 90 eggs at a time in, now just 30 and not as often. Next spring I don't want to have to hatch for me, I just want to hatch to sell chicks. I missed that season this year, because I needed more birds.

I want to have about 5 pullets/hens in each breeding pen and 2 pens per breed so I can cross breed without inbreeding. Some breeds I have more like my Lavender Ams.... I have a Black Ams pen, 1 for making splits and 1 with splits and Lavs only.

If you want more info or pics just let me know. I may have them or I can get them.
I'm super happy that Angel finally laid her first egg. Angel is an all-white, 27 week old Easter Egger.

Her egg is a pretty pale blue with white speckles. (A little washed out from the camera flash)
Somewhere on the EE thread I read about different colored legs and why some are green some are blueish, etc. Is there a tendency for green legs to have certain colored eggs? Something about the greener the legs the further away they are from their ameraucana roots. Does anyone know where I can find that reply?
Can someone tell me what the color/pattern of these 2 EE's is called? The picture isn't that great, but hopefully enough to get the idea. Also wondering what the chicks from these gals and the BCM roo with them should look like. I just hatched a mixed batch of babies and have 5 little chipmunk colored fluffies I assume are from the BCM x EE cross.

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