The EE braggers thread!!!

Well they are all different and have their own personalities. The EE are my best layers (breed for that) of Large to XL eggs. I like all the colors they come in.... you always want to look and see what colors are in the hatcher..... the others I KNOW what they are going to look like. With as many birds as I have, they are not pets to me. I do have favs though. MOST of my Ams and EE are always at the door to say HI!

I don't have laying EE right now... I have some pullets and a new roo growing up, but I may have to give up my EE and Olive Eggers to make room for other breeds I acquired by accident.......
Like Choc Orps..... Cream Legbars..... The deals I got on those two breeds, I can't NOT breed them... right?
Oh, you can't give up your EE and OEs!! On over 60 acres there's plenty of room!!
I know folks who would buy OE hatching eggs (I would buy chicks!), so maybe there's a market out there.

I only have one EE (hatchery girl) and she is the family favorite. Very good layer, only the Leghorn and New Hampshire are better. I had heard so many folks say that EEs aren't good layers, but doesn't seem to be true! What breeds are you using for your EEs?

I also have a couple of Ameraucana pullets that haven't started laying yet (wheaten, and wheaten X buff Am). Have heard that they are inconsistent layers. True? I got them to be sure of having some blue eggs.

Great pics of your set up! I am envious. Grew up on 30 acres and feel totally squashed on my acre+.
So my EE still hasn't layed and egg and she will be 7 months old later this month! Is this normal for EE? also she is my smallest hen but I think its because the rest may be fatties
The problem is that they are coming to POL as we are getting less light. It takes them longer. My Lavender Ameraucana's that hatched 2/16, just started laying about 2 weeks ago. Well worth the wait. My egg basket is full of chocolate, olive and blue and oh yeah the white, pinkish, and little d'Uccle egg, all is colorful. Just give it time, any one over 30 weeks, could expect eggs any time. Good luck

Here are the eggs I'm getting from my 1st generation Olive Eggers, they were from BCM over EE hens. (No longer have the EE). I also have second generation from Wynette laying. I have since through FBCM pullets and the Olive eggers in with BCM rooster and OE cockerel. I still get blue eggs from my Lavender Ameraucana, but loving the different combination. Now to change up the coloration of the birds and not just have black hens.
Quote: My Wheatens are the WORST! Lay for 4-6 weeks and then take off for 3 months
I can always make Olive Eggers (I have Marans and Ams all the time)... I really wanted to work on my own "line" of what I wanted in an Olive Egger... down the road maybe. The CL have not hatched so they are just a plan not a sure thing. Kinda the same way with the Choc Orps, got to grow them up.

My EE lay better than my NH.... not the Leghorns... nothing lays better than WL. My EE are EE.... I bought them as EE and breed them as EE. I have used my Lav Ams when I didn't have a pen for them. I have never really crossed anything in them but WL. In a few months I have a BLRW with a straight comb and I am going to put her in with my Black Am and see what I can get lacing wise, but they will really just be EE.

Here are the eggs I'm getting from my 1st generation Olive Eggers, they were from BCM over EE hens. (No longer have the EE). I also have second generation from Wynette laying. I have since through FBCM pullets and the Olive eggers in with BCM rooster and OE cockerel. I still get blue eggs from my Lavender Ameraucana, but loving the different combination. Now to change up the coloration of the birds and not just have black hens.
Did you post those to make me beat my head against the wall, because I WANT those colors too
MAYBE, JUST MAYBE... in the spring when we get moved and DON'T have any houses to remodel, hubby can be talked into more pens.... we have ALL the wood. Really I just need 4 BIG grow out pens for the pullets and 1 or 2 smaller ones for roos,
He just thinks I need to get rid of some breeds.... but what?????
I like them ALL!

BTW you need to post those on the Olive Egger thread.... you selling hatching eggs??????
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Here are the eggs I'm getting from my 1st generation Olive Eggers, they were from BCM over EE hens. (No longer have the EE). I also have second generation from Wynette laying. I have since through FBCM pullets and the Olive eggers in with BCM rooster and OE cockerel. I still get blue eggs from my Lavender Ameraucana, but loving the different combination. Now to change up the coloration of the birds and not just have black hens.

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