The EE braggers thread!!!

Hi all! Had to post that my little 8wk old ee "Charlotte" officially is now known as "Charles". I was bringing them inside for the night and heard a weird noise. Then I saw the funny outstretched neck and he did it again. He put on quite a concert for us, eight times in all looking so proud :)
Yes - I'm afraid of that! Hoping its just a fun new trick and he'll do it less as time goes on. He was definitely aware he had an audience - myself and both kids along with 15 other chickens. Besides, the practice may help! It sounded so funny.
Mstricer - I think we did a hatch along in august/Sept?
I think as with most things genetic.... you get genes for everything from BOTH parents. I roo is not going to give ALL the egg laying genes, but some. Same with the hen.... that is how we get Olive Eggers RIGHT? Each parent contributes HALF of the genes needed to make a WHOLE chicken. Now it is a good idea to use the most productive Hens and what you think is the most productive roo to keep your production high. But the truth is, you just don't really know what the roo is bringing to the party.... unless he lays you eggs
I had hatched out a EE X Brahma chick in the end of September. Things were going well and it was starting to look like a black and white EE chick, until one of my cats decided to eat it tonight. It is missing and I suspect the cat ate it.
Hubby says we'll have to try again next year. Maybe I'll get lucky next time and get a feather footed EE chick.
I had hatched out a EE X Brahma chick in the end of September. Things were going well and it was starting to look like a black and white EE chick, until one of my cats decided to eat it tonight. It is missing and I suspect the cat ate it.
Hubby says we'll have to try again next year. Maybe I'll get lucky next time and get a feather footed EE chick.
until one of my cats decided to eat it tonight. It is missing and I suspect the cat ate it.
Hubby says we'll have to try again

Sad news for you and I understand. I rescued a wonderful German Shepherd who was living in the desert where her main food was small mammals and birds. She had a hard time learning not to eat chicks. It was no longer hunger just habit. The little birds are so tempting, but she did learn that it was not acceptable.
Yes - I'm afraid of that! Hoping its just a fun new trick and he'll do it less as time goes on. He was definitely aware he had an audience - myself and both kids along with 15 other chickens. Besides, the practice may help! It sounded so funny.
Mstricer - I think we did a hatch along in august/Sept?
I think you are right, I hatched Donna's Blue Barred Rocks. We had 2 chicks end up missing, I suspect the neighbors cats. Haven't lost any since and they are still hanging with the mom.
No rest for the prutty little white EE.
I only had a single hatch - my faverolle (so sweet!) and she's doing great along with the hatchery chicks I ordered to arrive near hatchday. My ee that started crowing is from that group.

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