the [egg] wait is driving me crazy!!!

Me too! Snow's comb and wattles are SO red!
Still no egg squat, no egg song, nothing! Silly me ordering chicks this late in the year

I finally got one!
24 weeks!
Congrats to all of you that have gotten their first.
Still waiting - 26 weeks today and one's a leghorn!
Well, I too have been waiting and waiting for my February babies to lay their 1st egg. I have a SLW and a EE that were hatched the beginning of February, that makes them almost 10 months old and no eggs yet.
My Snow White has skipped today
I was so hoping for 5 in a row - but she didn't lay as of 4pm so my guess is she didn't do it after the sun set either. Hoping she hops down and lays her egg early tomorrow morning! I was getting so excited about an egg a day.

Hopefully everyone who hasn't gotten an egg yet will get one soon!
i can sympathize... at least when your girls lay eggs, i'm sure you find the eggs! LOL mine all lay somewhere out on my 26 acres and I have yet to find the stash... i just keep praying that someone doesn't go broody and come home with 92 more chicks I really don't need (all mutt bantam).

in the mean time i'm building a bigger coop/pen to put all the girls in, then i'll have captive egg layers at least

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