the [egg] wait is driving me crazy!!!

maybe I need to cheat and get a layer too!
Got my first eggs this week, I have 19 pullets ages 26/27 weeks. I got one EE egg Mon, another Tues, then two EE eggs and one BR egg today. It's about time! Sixteen more of them need to read the memo.
My second flock of three are approaching 25 weeks on Friday with no eggs yet. By this time, I had two layers in a flock of three from my first flock. The big difference between the two is that one has timed lighting and the other does not.

Plus this second flock was purchased later so I knew the short days were going to affect their laying schedule. I'm pretty much on ADN (Any Day Now) mode for the GLW and Cuckoo Marans to lay. I'm not holding my breath for the EE though.
So excited, I have eggs
Two of my girls (a barred rock and an orpington) have begun laying- they are 26 weeks old. The barred rock, Gladiola made a huge deal out of laying, she was screeching her head off for a good hour before and was quite the sight! My orpington Lilly, didn't make a peep, I went into the coop today and there she was in a nest box not a sound before or after. I can't wait for the rest of the girls to lay, I know it won't be long now
I have a 25 week old black copper eggs yet!! It is so frustrating! She's enormous, has a red comb, red wattle, red face, but no squatting yet, and no egg songs...

If I don't get a delicious dark brown egg soon I think I may go out and try to squeeze one out of her!!

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