The EMERGENCY Thread!!!

The vasoline smothers the mites. I have one Buff O hen that every now and then has a flair. I treat her legs with vasoline, spray the roosts with Seven liquid, check the whole flock for mites, and so far have only had to do preventative treatment with Ivermax under their wings. My hen responds fast to treatment. Raised scales flatten and look pretty much normal. I think the vasoline also helps moisturize her legs and aids healing. If your leg mite cream works for you by all means I would continue with it only make sure you use it regularly so the infestation is gone for good. No sense creating pesticide resistant creepy crawlies. I'd also give them pro-biotics and vitamins while you are treating. Those mites are sucking blood from your girl. Also when you are treating, I would use Seven powder and dust down your nesting boxes also. In for a penny in for a pound as the old saying goes.
New emergancy:
Buff orpington born around last easter. I thought she had cocci.. she was super wobbly and top heavy. I've had her indoor for 2 weeks now. I was told to feed her high fat high protien foods to get the weight back on her. She's very skinny.
I've been feeding her a few grams of live meal worms each day but that's all she'll eat and I don't think she's getting enough.. she is drinking. Her poop is light brown/tan and kinda like.. fluffy. Not sure how to explain. Almost like "whipped" up. I can take a pic if needed. Her comb is pale and dry but she's been sick.
Today she can't stand on her own so I have her a large 55 grams of worms in yogurt so she could get a nice large meal... I'm not sure what else to look for. She isn't egg bound. She hasn't been laying.
She's not eating her feed. And she isn't interested in the eggs and cheese anymore. :( just the worms. And im aalmost out.
Taking her to my chicken guy tomorrow but not sure what else to do. Feeling helpless. This is my first flock and she's one of my favs.
No mites that I see. I've bathed her twice since she's been indoors so I could give her a full body check. Not really sure what I'm lookingonna for.
Thanks for any suggestions. I'm a first time poster.
(PIC is from her first bath the day I brought her inside 2 weeks ago. Her comb had been biten by one of her sisters that day so she was separated and has been since then ((Jan 26th))).
Update: she is drinking water too.
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Buff orpington born around last easter. I thought she had cocci.. she was super wobbly and top heavy. I've had her indoor for 2 weeks now. I was told to feed her high fat high protien foods to get the weight back on her. She's very skinny.
I've been feeding her a few grams of live meal worms each day but that's all she'll eat and I don't think she's getting enough.. she is drinking. Her poop is light brown/tan and kinda like.. fluffy. Not sure how to explain. Almost like "whipped" up. I can take a pic if needed. Her comb is pale and dry but she's been sick.
Today she can't stand on her own so I have her a large 55 grams of worms in yogurt so she could get a nice large meal... I'm not sure what else to look for. She isn't egg bound. She hasn't been laying.
She's not eating her feed. And she isn't interested in the eggs and cheese anymore.
just the worms. And im aalmost out.
Taking her to my chicken guy tomorrow but not sure what else to do. Feeling helpless. This is my first flock and she's one of my favs.
No mites that I see. I've bathed her twice since she's been indoors so I could give her a full body check. Not really sure what I'm lookingonna for.
Thanks for any suggestions. I'm a first time poster.
(PIC is from her first bath the day I brought her inside 2 weeks ago. Her comb had been biten by one of her sisters that day so she was separated and has been since then ((Jan 26th))).
Update: she is drinking water too.

Hi Jessica and welcome to Backyardchickens. Sorry you have a sick girl on your hands. A few questions. Have you treated her for cocci and have you treated her for any other parasites? Pale comb is usually a hallmark symptom of a parasite infestation. You said you are taking her to an avian vet tomorrow. I would definitely take a stool specimen along with me for a fecal float.

As far as food is concerned, I don't think meal worms are going to make it for her on their own. I feed Game Bird Finisher to my flock. Protein runs around 23 %. I was having problems keeping weight on my young pullets last summer and now I'm probably going to have to put the fatties on a diet. Have you tried adding a low sodium broth to food for her? I boil chicken legs for my birds, with no added salt, chop the meat up fine and mix the broth with water and then mix feed in the broth and meat to make a thick gruel. They go nutz over it and the meat gives them an extra boost of protein. Are you giving her any vitamins? If not, I would be.

Knowing if she has parasites I think is your first step. If she has them, treating them should help with the failure to thrive and make it easier to put weight back on her.

Mites and lice. Check under her wings and around her vent. I call them creepy crawlies and that is exactly what they look like. Mites will look like little moving grains of pepper. Lice will look like little tiny grains of rice. Easily treated by powdering the bird with Seven dust for gardens and pets.

From your description her stool sounds pretty normal. No blood? No sign of little worms? No diarrhea? Those are the things I would be looking for. Blood in the droppings and loose stools usually is related to cocci. But there are other parasites that could be bothering her.

Sorry, I'm sorta thinking as I write. I have over a dozen Buff O hens and roosters and have a soft spot in my heart for these sweet birds. I've thrown a few things out for you to consider. Hopefully tomorrow you will get some answers as to what is bothering your girl. From her picture she is a pretty little hen and well loved.

Please keep us updated. Good luck tomorrow.
Is it safe to dewormed her if she's so sick? I have dewormer but im scared it could messential with her system more. I never treated her for cocci but that's what we thought initially she had. I was wold just to get her weight up and that she would be okay. But I don't think she's eating enough. She's not touching her feed or any scraps. Only likes the worms but I don't have enough to feed her only worms...
She's alert. I haven't noticed any mites. Wouldn't her poo look funky if she had worms? I dunno... should I worm her when she's so frail?

Hi Jessica and welcome to Backyardchickens. Sorry you have a sick girl on your hands. A few questions. Have you treated her for cocci and have you treated her for any other parasites? Pale comb is usually a hallmark symptom of a parasite infestation. You said you are taking her to an avian vet tomorrow. I would definitely take a stool specimen along with me for a fecal float.

As far as food is concerned, I don't think meal worms are going to make it for her on their own. I feed Game Bird Finisher to my flock. Protein runs around 23 %. I was having problems keeping weight on my young pullets last summer and now I'm probably going to have to put the fatties on a diet. Have you tried adding a low sodium broth to food for her? I boil chicken legs for my birds, with no added salt, chop the meat up fine and mix the broth with water and then mix feed in the broth and meat to make a thick gruel. They go nutz over it and the meat gives them an extra boost of protein. Are you giving her any vitamins? If not, I would be.

Knowing if she has parasites I think is your first step. If she has them, treating them should help with the failure to thrive and make it easier to put weight back on her.

Mites and lice. Check under her wings and around her vent. I call them creepy crawlies and that is exactly what they look like. Mites will look like little moving grains of pepper. Lice will look like little tiny grains of rice. Easily treated by powdering the bird with Seven dust for gardens and pets.

From your description her stool sounds pretty normal. No blood? No sign of little worms? No diarrhea? Those are the things I would be looking for. Blood in the droppings and loose stools usually is related to cocci. But there are other parasites that could be bothering her.

Sorry, I'm sorta thinking as I write. I have over a dozen Buff O hens and roosters and have a soft spot in my heart for these sweet birds. I've thrown a few things out for you to consider. Hopefully tomorrow you will get some answers as to what is bothering your girl. From her picture she is a pretty little hen and well loved.

Please keep us updated. Good luck tomorrow.
I don't think you can afford not to treat her especially if she does have a cocci problem. I've had a few chickens with diarrhea when they have had cocci but I've also had them look completely normal. Just thin. A fecal float test would confirm or deny their presence. If you are taking her to be checked tomorrow it would be the first thing I would have checked. When in doubt, worm them is my motto. It's usually the handiest treatment you can try when you have a sick bird.
I don't think you can afford not to treat her especially if she does have a cocci problem. I've had a few chickens with diarrhea when they have had cocci but I've also had them look completely normal. Just thin. A fecal float test would confirm or deny their presence. If you are taking her to be checked tomorrow it would be the first thing I would have checked. When in doubt, worm them is my motto. It's usually the handiest treatment you can try when you have a sick bird.

So worming her while she's sick won't make her more sick? I'm scared if she's already starving deworming her could ravage her already frail system. But then I guess if it is worms maybe it could save her? I just don't know what do. Thank you for any advice! I do have dewormer and a syringe on hand...
Hi we just picked up a 6 month old Muscovy female. She ripped off her toenail in the process. It's bleeding and it's my first time dealing with a duck injury. We were close to a feed mill and picked up some of the bleed stop powder and I just put it on. Where do I go from here and should I keep her somewhere different till it's healed. Thank you.
you will want to keep an eye on it for infection, and that it doesnt start bleeding again otherwise i wouldnt worry too much 

Okay thank you. I had randomly read something on here about the bleeding powder and wasn't sure if that was good enough. Definitely going to do some more research after this. Not knowing what to do wasn't fun.

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