The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Unfortunately human raised birds seldom last long in the wild, they have few of the survival skills their mother would have taught them, such as evading predators, finding food, how to find shelter in bad weather etc, had they had been raised in a natural surrounding.
I'm hoping at least some can figure it out. My husband plans to plants some crops for them, and a few places around here leave standing corn all winter. We will see what happens. :confused: We have good cover ground ,and habitat for them. Hopefully it's enough.
Wish I had more "jail" space. Hector isn't exactly being bad, per se, he just is not a rooster who can get by with one or two hens. Isaac kept 25 hens fertile most of his life, which isn't that unusual for a Delaware rooster. I'd shudder to think what would have happened if he was down to just one or two hens.
Do you remember me talking about my search to find which man was my actual biological father? The man my mother was married to signed away his parental rights, but said he was not my father. His family thought the guy named Westberry who she was having a fling with was my father. His family knew nothing about it. When I saw the photo of him with his own mother, I said no way I was his daughter. Their bone structure and coloring were really more Native American than anything I could relate it to, not mine at all.
Well, having my DNA test done at MyHeritageDNA did not yield any clues. I got nothing closer than possible 3rd cousins and more distant, not one Westberry in the entire bunch, very few Fullers or Jewetts (Bobby Fuller's mother's maiden name). So, my husband said maybe it was another man, someone she just slept with, considering her tumultuous home life and emotional issues and alcohol abuse-both her parents were alcoholics and so was she. So, he said when Ancestry had a discount on their DNA test, I should do theirs because their database is the largest of them all. So, I did. What happened next sent me down a whole new rabbit hole.

They said I had matches. The closest match, with "extreme confidence" (meaning great certainty), was a 1st cousin. FIRST cousin! That means our parents were siblings. So, Tom contacted her. Funny thing. Her mother, Ann Plummer, is dead and she was not 100% sure of her father's name. She said she thought it was Robert Plummer, a mortician in Miami in the 50's. Well, shocker. My grandfather owned funeral homes then, that was the family business. My mother's two best high school friends' families were in that business as well. More digging and my investigator husband found someone linked to a funeral home, now defunct, named Plummer, but not Robert, Joseph. He called. He spoke to this Joseph Plummer, who is probably in his 80's. Plummer had a brother, Lawrence, now deceased, who was the main guy in charge of that funeral home, started by none other than their father, Joseph Plummer, Sr and my grandfather! So, we are still following clues. Looks like I am neither a Fuller nor a Westberry but probably a Plummer. My head is spinning right now, as you can imagine.

So, poor June, like many abused girls, was promiscuous and probably doesn't even remember all the boys she had "knowledge" of back then. She said I was Westberry's kid because she was in love with him and wanted to marry him, but he was a real womanizer as well as an alcoholic and he ditched her, so that ploy did not work.
Do you remember me talking about my search to find which man was my actual biological father? The man my mother was married to signed away his parental rights, but said he was not my father. His family thought the guy named Westberry who she was having a fling with was my father. His family knew nothing about it. When I saw the photo of him with his own mother, I said no way I was his daughter. Their bone structure and coloring were really more Native American than anything I could relate it to, not mine at all.
Well, having my DNA test done at MyHeritageDNA did not yield any clues. I got nothing closer than possible 3rd cousins and more distant, not one Westberry in the entire bunch, very few Fullers or Jewetts (Bobby Fuller's mother's maiden name). So, my husband said maybe it was another man, someone she just slept with, considering her tumultuous home life and emotional issues and alcohol abuse-both her parents were alcoholics and so was she. So, he said when Ancestry had a discount on their DNA test, I should do theirs because their database is the largest of them all. So, I did. What happened next sent me down a whole new rabbit hole.

They said I had matches. The closest match, with "extreme confidence" (meaning great certainty), was a 1st cousin. FIRST cousin! That means our parents were siblings. So, Tom contacted her. Funny thing. Her mother, Ann Plummer, is dead and she was not 100% sure of her father's name. She said she thought it was Robert Plummer, a mortician in Miami in the 50's. Well, shocker. My grandfather owned funeral homes then, that was the family business. My mother's two best high school friends' families were in that business as well. More digging and my investigator husband found someone linked to a funeral home, now defunct, named Plummer, but not Robert, Joseph. He called. He spoke to this Joseph Plummer, who is probably in his 80's. Plummer had a brother, Lawrence, now deceased, who was the main guy in charge of that funeral home, started by none other than their father, Joseph Plummer, Sr and my grandfather! So, we are still following clues. Looks like I am neither a Fuller nor a Westberry but probably a Plummer. My head is spinning right now, as you can imagine.

So, poor June, like many abused girls, was promiscuous and probably doesn't even remember all the boys she had "knowledge" of back then. She said I was Westberry's kid because she was in love with him and wanted to marry him, but he was a real womanizer as well as an alcoholic and he ditched her, so that ploy did not work.
TV makes it seem so simple to figure that stuff out.
TV makes it seem so simple to figure that stuff out.

Ha, not at all, especially when the folks are elderly and don't like a hornet's nest stirred up. This Joseph Plummer is 81, in bad health, has two daughters. He said he would not be open to a DNA test even if we paid for it (he doesn't put stock in that stuff, sounds like my father), said he never met June, though he knew of her as Bob Wixsom's daughter. He said his brother never married, but had so many girlfriends. That sounds like Wade Westberry, the womanizer. June sure had a type, but if one of his daughters will do a DNA test, either it will show we are half siblings or first cousins, depending on which brother fathered which daughter, me or my first cousin Paula.

Another possibility: Paula's information is wrong and it's two other brothers. But, if we are first cousins, we each have a puzzle to solve so maybe together we can find what we need to know.
And, meet my new friend. She arrived today. I can't wait to get started on learning to use her! Such a beauty, never thought I'd own a machine like this. It's like having a VW Bug and suddenly, I get a Ferrari (though I don't care one whit about fancy cars, blech).

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