The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Speckled hen I think its a pullet also.
You know, if this little one of Atlas's turned out to be a surprise pullet, I think I'd give her to Deacon. Poor, sweet Deacon, started with four hens, down to one. Seems to me Isaac's kids he produced or the grandkids from him late in life just haven't been very hardy. Rowena and Wendy, Rex's two remaining daughters, seem to be fine, laying almost daily, so maybe they'll be okay. Little Xander thinks he died and went to rooster heaven with those two. He's acting like a hormonal teenage rooster again, LOL.
Sound like a great reason to fire up the bator, or let one go broody, and hatch some more chicks.
Sound like a great reason to fire up the bator, or let one go broody, and hatch some more chicks.

It would be, but I honestly can't handle that right now, not with all the issues surrounding my father's estate, would be too much added stress. I've already snapped several broodies out of their trances. Plus, cold weather is coming and they're predicting more than normal snowfall for our area. Just finishing the garden and getting in wood for the fireplace is about all I can concentrate on, in between trips 3 hours south to handle stuff.

I know I need more layers eventually. Right now, Atlas's hens are not even laying. Got one egg yesterday from them, first in a week, so nothing to incubate.

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