The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

How is Dottie? Hope she is feeling better.

No, actually, I'm afraid to check on her this morning. She's refusing to eat. She looked yesterday like a hen I'd find gone today. Sitting, eyes mostly closed, tilted to one side as if she didn't have strength to sit fully erect. We're expecting snow sometime today but I may be digging her final resting place. I'll never know for sure what happened to her. I had one other hen years ago something similar with even less warning. My blue Ameraucana, Charlotte, Gypsy's mother. She looked very off one day, separated her, and she was gone the next. No symptoms, nothing to even give a clue, though I'm sure it was not an egg issue. Same age as Dottie is now.

ETA: thank you for asking. You're so kind. I appreciate all those who care about my birds and me.

Checked on Dottie. She may not last the day. She is laying there, eyes closed, breathing shallowly. She is dying. I hate that I don't know why and I hate to lose this special hen way too young. She would have turned 5 years old April 6.
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I am so sorry Cyn!

Sorry to hear about Dottie. ((((((((hug))))))))))

Thank you all. Have not been out there today yet. It's snowing and after DH gets his breakfast, he'll be checking on her. I have the grave ready for her. I thought she'd be hatching babies for me in that cage, not dying in it.
I've been a long time lurker, and have so enjoyed getting to know you and your little farm! But it just breaks my heart to hear about Dottie. I know how special she is to you, and wanted to give you my deepest sympathies :hugs

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