The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I've been a long time lurker, and have so enjoyed getting to know you and your little farm! But it just breaks my heart to hear about Dottie. I know how special she is to you, and wanted to give you my deepest sympathies
Thank you so much for your kind words. Glad you're "lurking" on my thread, please hang around!

How is Dottie doing this afternoon??
We've been working on the new barn and just came inside about 45 minutes ago. Husband checked on her as we came back to the house, said she was still about the same, refusing to eat, but can still stand up when he pets her. I'm not sure how long she can last without eating but when she quits drinking, it can't be long. If she manages to pull out of this a second time, she will not be going back into Atlas's group to save her the stress of being mated by a big, rough rooster. Could be he re-injured whatever he hurt the first time, or she could have had another mini-stroke, can't say for sure. Either she'll get better or she won't but I'm prepared for the worst.
Without Dottie, and she's gone this morning, we have 23 large fowl girls. Of those 23, sixteen are 5-9 years old, one is over 4 years old (Druscilla, Dottie's daughter, hatched when Dottie was pretty young) only six hens are 4 years old and under. Tessa and Lizzie are the only actual pullets and Lizzie is approaching a year old.

Fourteen of the twenty-three hens are 7-9 years old so I have a very aged group of hens. I think I may lose Snow this winter. Her arthritis has gotten really bad and she seems quite frail, has been for awhile, but now, she can barely walk at all.
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I am so sorry Cyn!! She had the best home any chicken could ask for!
Thanks, Isaiah.

At least she passed in comfort and well cared for.
She didn't even kick. Looked like her heart just stopped where she was sleeping in front of the heat lamp. Poor little Xander, though. He can sort of see up into that cage, the one where my late Zane used to live, from his roost shelf on the other side of the divider wall. He let Tom rub his chest, something he just never holds still for normally.
Deacon, Lucy and Dottie all died there in recent months and Xander was upset every time. In the new barn, we'll have a cage on the wall for situations like this but not right beside poor, sweet little Xander's pen. He cried and whined and whimpered when Deacon passed, but Deacon flapped just a little. Neither Lucy nor Dottie did, but the other birds always know, always. They can be so dignified when witnessing the death of another.

Remember, she raised Atlas and his sisters. Tom took her body to Atlas's coop to show him. He started to drop his wing and dance for her then immediately stopped. Then, they all got quiet. I think Druscilla will miss her most. They seemed to be close to each other, though I'm sure they didn't know they were mother and daughter.

On a side note, I went back and read the story of the original Atlas, the son of my late Suede, who my current Atlas is named for. Wow, a story that will bring tears to your eyes and now, I see that my own Atlas is living up to the name so far.
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There are days when the chores mount up, you don't have enough time in the day, and it seems costly in both financial and stress terms to have birds. Then something happens to help you realize how much it is worth it to have these fine animals in our lives.
I'm sorry you lost Dottie. The way things seem to have been going lately, you need to get in on the Spring HAL to keep things going. Post lots of incubator, and fuzzy butt pics.
Oh My Gypsy. How is that sweet girl. I bet you have snow this morning. I talked to a friend in Franklin and they have what I call potato chip snow. You know when a lot of flakes stick together and sort of float like a heavy potato chip to the ground. So pretty but very wet.
I finally got most of my Dr. trips settled with a bit of results. I am looking forward to tractor supply chick days. I need about 4 to 6 layers to start. Like you my hens are aging out. Chicks are always fun. If I were sure of where I could be all year I would want another dozen or so. sigh!!! moving back and forth is not what it is cracked up to be. I want a real home in the mtns. sooooooo very bad. Love ya

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