The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Here's praying for little miss poo bear and Cora. Knowing the end is near for poo bear is terrible. How's she doing today?

She's just not as energetic as she has been most of her short life. I can see it's more difficult for her short legs to carry her body as it grows. There's really nothing anyone can do except hope she goes quickly when she does leave us. Cora will be very lonely, I'm afraid, but I'll move her permanently into the barn so she can at least hear and see other chickens until she's ready to try to be with a group.
I'll be moving Bonnie into the coop they're in now when her chicks hatch about May 6.
Well hopefully the Brahmas will except her into the group when the time calls for it. I know my bantam cochins are intergreating now and my 4-5 week old chicks s33m to be getting along well in the big coop dynamic.
Well hopefully the Brahmas will except her into the group when the time calls for it. I know my bantam cochins are intergreating now and my 4-5 week old chicks s33m to be getting along well in the big coop dynamic.

I think at first, I'll put Cora into an old hens' group. They are less inclined to bully underlings, don't put much effort into it. I truly think I need to switch the Brahmas to one of the larger pens when she does go in with them, though. Will cross that bridge later.
Pooh is still doing okay today, no change that I can tell.

On the other hand..... Weird Egg Alert! What is odd, beyond how much like a soft-serve ice cream cone this fragile-shelled egg appears, is that it is the 4th egg I got today from a pen that houses only two hens. Earlier they were free ranging with another group so I expected that one was from a visiting hen laying in their nest, but I didn't expect to get a 4th egg this afternoon in that same nest after Zara and Athena were locked up by themselves. Probably two hens laid eggs, then Athena and then, later, I did see Zara in the nest, but it was weird that I never saw another hen in that nest all day....and I was in and out all day, like usual! Mystery!
**sorry for my ratty fingernails, garden season!

Wow! That is a really weird egg! We have had a hen lay 2 eggs in one day on two occasions that I remember. Once, I saw her lay the second egg, and it was very soft-shelled. Maybe, if they lay two in one day, the egg is more likely to be a strange one

ETA: I hope Pooh-Bear perks up again!
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