The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

The largest 6 week old cockerel was crowing this morning. Sure hope someone takes the pair soon. Since it appears that Drea is a Drew, I have three males to rehome, two without a pullet to go with them unless I let MaryJo go and I'm not going to do that. I want to watch that slow maturing male develop a little longer.
Okay, if you got this email from your mortgage company, would you be rolling on the floor laughing like I was?

In case you missed our last email, we just want to let you know that this August, Nationstar will become Mr. Cooper.

Mr. Cooper????? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :lau I have to write checks to Mr. Cooper???
No, it's real! We checked it out. That's the stupidest name ever! Sounds like they've had some issues lately, too, so maybe they think a name change will give them a new lease on life. CitiMortgage sold us to them. I really want to pay off this mortgage. You realize that any mortgage company can call in their loans in full at any time, right? Doesn't matter if you've made every payment on time or what you owe, as part of their assets, they can call in the loans. That's always bothered me, especially with companies that have problems.
I was recently using those refi loan calculators to see about refinancing the balance for fewer years and no one wants to do it with our small balance, apparently. not sure if it's just the balance itself or the balance as opposed to the value of the property or what. I so do not want to write checks to Mr. Cooper!
No, it's real! We checked it out. That's the stupidest name ever! Sounds like they've had some issues lately, too, so maybe they think a name change will give them a new lease on life. CitiMortgage sold us to them. I really want to pay off this mortgage. You realize that any mortgage company can call in their loans in full at any time, right? Doesn't matter if you've made every payment on time or what you owe, as part of their assets, they can call in the loans. That's always bothered me, especially with companies that have problems.
I was recently using those refi loan calculators to see about refinancing the balance for fewer years and no one wants to do it with our small balance, apparently. not sure if it's just the balance itself or the balance as opposed to the value of the property or what. I so do not want to write checks to Mr. Cooper!
That is crazy than. Thankfully we were able to pay off our mortgage last year, best feeling ever. Now as long as we pay our property taxes, follow the laws, pay our income taxes, and nobody ever sues us, it's all ours.
That is crazy than. Thankfully we were able to pay off our mortgage last year, best feeling ever. Now as long as we pay our property taxes, follow the laws, pay our income taxes, and nobody ever sues us, it's all ours.

I think that anyone who has paid off their mortgage should not have to pay any property taxes. I mean, they can take a property you own outright if you can't pay your property tax one year or can't pay in full. That's really insane, I think. Thankfully, we got a tax break this year on ours, at least. I want no mortgage, dang it! My luck, we'll pay it off then kick the bucket, not be able to enjoy it, and the kids will sell this property faster than the soul leaves the body.

It poured rain all day. I looked out the kitchen window and saw a pretty big Cooper's Hawk sitting on the garden gate in the rain. By the time I got my camera, he'd launched himself off toward the pasture and all I got was the vaguest photo of him in flight, could barely see him.

I finally identified the bird call I've been hearing around here for years, still have not seen the bird, but I was confused as to whether it was a frog or a bird for a long time. I kept researching "bird call with thrumming or thumping sound" and finally, I have it! It's a yellow-billed cuckoo! This link has a short audio file on it for you if you've never heard one.
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Mr. Cooper?! What kind of company name is that? LOL

I wish we were close to paying off our mortgage, but we just bought this house 2.5 years ago. It's going to be a while. :p

We finally rehomed 3 of our chickens. The coop/run do feel less crowded now and our neighbor's sister took them to keep her one lonely chicken company and she says they are all adjusting well.

So, funny story, I had another dream about you Cyn. Obviously I spen too much time on BYC! You and a friend came to visit and your friend left the door to the run open and chickens were running out and my dog ran in and I was screaming for my husband and trying to get the dog before he killed any. Finally got him chained up and was so upset that I woke up before I could go check the damage. So please don't bring any friends if you come visit. ;)

And then today we got a bunny, cuz 8 kids, 2 cats, a dog and 10 chickens wasn't crazy enough! LOL totally unplanned. My kids' friends had a bunny that they're uncle had just left them with and their dad was tired of nobody taking care of it (hadn't gotten food/water in a week!) and wanted to get rid of it one way or another. So my kids begged me to take her, and I said as long as they had the cage and food and everything then we'd take her. Now I'm learning what I can about bunnies.

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