The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Seems the trucks, even the 4 pr 6 cyl ones smaller ones have sucky gas mileage. I can't even find a Colorado or a GMC Canyon used-no way I can afford a new truck that is as much as we paid for our first house. What I would want in a truck is an extended cab, not a crew cab. But, I think I may end up with another small SUV.

I also loathe the games dealers play. At least with this dealership, they give their own warranty on all their used vehicles, which is what is paying for this transmission in the Rogue. I'd buy another one if I could avoid the CVT trans. It's fine driving a CVT, I have no issue with that part, but has terrible longevity and I've heard is very prone to overheating. We drive very limited miles, though, less than 5000/year normally, so whatever miles anything has when we get it slows way down on accumulating mileage from then on.
This looks like a pretty good deal:
@brucifer it's not bad, but it's above what I want to pay, trying not to have payments. And it's not 4WD/AWD, which I think I'm going to be adamant about this time. I see it has low miles, which is a great thing. Trying not to go to that side of Atlanta, though, surely I'll find something here eventually. I don't buy vehicles very often so I am pretty picky. Guess I wasn't picky enough with the Rogue, though it was a killer deal.

I've noticed that they like to put out trucks mostly in white, red and black. What's up with that? How about some earth tones? LOL.
Well I saw it, so I thought I'd throw it out there. That's actually a pretty good price for a two-year-old mini-truck with low miles. Of course in the area where you live, I can see the need for 4WD.

White, black, silver, and red seem to be the major standard colors for trucks these days. Pretty boring, but it is what it is. lol
And, at 8 weeks 3 days old, I'm still not sure about Drea/Drew. The other two are crowing and I keep watching to see if "it" crows; so far, nothing. If it does crow, that cements the conclusion about him. If not, I'll continue to be confused a bit longer. Maybe I'll go out there tomorrow and he'll have a big, honking red comb. Nah, that would be too easy.

I did notice one thing that is interesting, though. The two pullets, MaryJo and her smaller sister, both have lots of black on the top beak. The two known cockerels have only minor streaks, but basically, yellow beaks. The "IT" child has a black top beak exactly like the other two pullets. Now, I've never used beak color as a sex clue, but I seem to remember someone on BYC saying that was a sex trait. Have you heard that? I can't recall who said it or what the reaction of the membership was, though. I think I've heard it, but dismissed it as something that you can sometimes use as a clue, but not something you can count on.
Your bitty roosters are crowing at 8 weeks, wow, are they all squeaky and adorable? I'm not sure if I've had one crow that early, generally 3 months is early. I have no clue about the beak color, I haven't paid attention to it, usually the comb is enough for most of them.
Got the Rogue back. They gave us a free oil change because they felt badly that they had such trouble with the transmission. But, it runs nicely now. And is warranted for a year so we have time to decide about another vehicle. They didn't have anything I wanted on the lot, not any AWD vehicles in the price range I wanted so will take our time and look around.

Tom got his lubricant knee injection, will have three more a week apart so maybe it will make him have less pain in that part of his body, at least.

I gave Liz Jill's egg from yesterday so she has three again. Hopefully, she won't break anymore. Cannot figure how she broke that other one, the shells being as tough as they are. Talent, I guess.
Cyn, sounds like they treated you right at the dealership. Nice to know they stand behind their cars. Maybe they can be on the lookout for an AWD vehicle for you when they go to auction next time. A dealer did that for my son and got him a great-looking Audi Q4 way under market value a few years ago.

Sorry to hear your husband's knee is giving him trouble. I've had leg neuropathy for almost 15 years, and when I first got it, the pain was debilitating. I have a high pain threshold, but it was so painful that it's hard to describe. Doctors tried several meds for the pain and nothing worked until one young doctor just out of med school put me on Cymbalta. Within two days the pain was gone, and I got my life back. I can walk, run, climb, and do about anything now with no pain at all. The downside was that for several months I felt like I was tripping (high) all the time. Fortunately my body eventually adjusted to that side effect. I still take generic Cymbalta every morning. I hope you husband can find a similar silver bullet for his condition. Some folks use Lyrica to manage pain as well.

I have a couple of birds I need to cull, but Lisa keeps asking me to put it off. One bird is one of those snake-bitten Buff Orpingtons from several months ago. She eats and drinks great and keeps growing, but she keeps her head tucked under her wing most of the time and doesn't open her eyes much. We keep her in a separate pen from the other birds. We also have a beautiful Welsummer girl that developed paralysis in her legs. Likewise to the Buff, she keeps eating, drinking, and growing, but she has to drag herself to her feed and water bowls. She's also kept in a separate pen. Lisa has invested so much time in caring for those birds that she has grown attached to them. I think I would be in BIG trouble if I culled them while Lisa was away at work or shopping. I'm not gonna find out the hard way. lol
Got the Rogue back. They gave us a free oil change because they felt badly that they had such trouble with the transmission. But, it runs nicely now. And is warranted for a year so we have time to decide about another vehicle. They didn't have anything I wanted on the lot, not any AWD vehicles in the price range I wanted so will take our time and look around.

Tom got his lubricant knee injection, will have three more a week apart so maybe it will make him have less pain in that part of his body, at least.

I gave Liz Jill's egg from yesterday so she has three again. Hopefully, she won't break anymore. Cannot figure how she broke that other one, the shells being as tough as they are. Talent, I guess.
Is the injection the one made out of rooster comb? I was offered injections but decided to just go for the knee replacement instead. Still need to do the other one yet.

Glad you got a warranty. It's a pain to shop for a vehicle, and a real pain to shop for one under pressure, now you can take your time.
Is the injection the one made out of rooster comb? I was offered injections but decided to just go for the knee replacement instead. Still need to do the other one yet.

Glad you got a warranty. It's a pain to shop for a vehicle, and a real pain to shop for one under pressure, now you can take your time.

I'm not sure what the injection is, can't remember the name of it, but it's a pricey one for them, I think $300 each at their cost. We only have our $12 co-pay each time.

Yes, it is a pain to vehicle shop. I am torn between just keeping this longer and seeing how it does and trading it for a "normal" one now while this one still has some value. I looked at a 2012 Ford Escape XLT they had, an AWD, but I don't like the boxy shape of it and I don't care for white vehicles, either. I like the Hyundai Santa Fe SUVs inside, they have a more upscale look/feel to them, but again, another foreign made car I have no experience with. The Honda CR-V has an open recall on the airbag, but Takada is bankrupt so can't get that fixed and I would only get another if it had been replaced on it already. There are no Honda dealers around us, only Ford, Chevy, Jeep and Kia.

@brucifer, I would bet that Tom would say he takes enough pills as it is. He usually says he has no room for breakfast after he takes his a.m. meds, LOL.
O. M. Gosh. Here is the ad I ran in our chicken swap for North Georgia on Facebook. This is it. Read it then tell me what you think the last question was on the thread from some guy about the chicks, tell me, go on, I bet you can guess:

Barred Plymouth Rock Breeding Pair, plus one extra cockerel, ready to go, 9 weeks on July 8. From two different heritage lines (unrelated), though not sure which is which-you can choose which male you want to take with the pullet.
Both boys are big, pullet is a tad on the small side, but may blossom later; No hatchery blood in either line. They follow us like puppies, very friendly.
We *strongly* suggest you have a predator-proof coop/pen for these birds. We do not separate pullets.

(Mineral Bluff, GA, Fannin County) Need sold soon.

Healthy chicks, no contagious disease here. The barring is outstanding, not what you see in hatchery birds.

They would have to be picked up in Mineral Bluff. Reply if interested or if you have questions.

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