The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Regarding having more than a week's worth of food....

There are certain things that I only purchase with cash.

One thing that history shows over and over and over is that those that are accused of being criminals or mentally unstable can change based on the "beliefs" at the time. So if the young people are being "trained" to believe that people that have a larder are "hoarders" or have some kind of mental disability, then those people need "help".

I can give lots of historical examples that are absolutely unbelievable regarding innocent, good, hard-working people that were criminalized and lost their freedoms or worse.

YES! I'm with you on this. They look at us funny when we say stuff like that, but it's not paranoia, it's real. If you look at the definition of mentally unstable, what others look for in suspicious people, many of us on this thread qualify. Scary stuff.
A factor that few consider, is proximity to the grocery store, and the price of gas. The further you live from the grocery store, the more you will stock up on in one trip. Another factor is taking advantage of sales. A couple times a year, one of our grocery stores does a BOGO on chicken, then various cuts of beef, then pork. I get as much as I can afford. That's usually several months worth. Another grocery store here does fantastic sales on seafood twice a year. BOGO bread can be frozen too. It makes fine toast. A lot of my "extra" money has gone towards buying food on sale. We always eaten better, and had plenty because of it. I picked, shelled, peeled, cut, cored, and shucked a lot of fresh grown food, and froze, or canned it. Again, better food, and plenty of it.

When they announce an impending hurricane here in Florida, even the largest grocery stores sell out of bread, canned foods, and water fast. 8 hours after they announce the hurricane, the shelves are empty. The grocery stores don't even have 2 weeks worth of food for the community they serve. They depend on trucks bringing it in, to restock on a steady basis. What happens if the trucks can't get through, due to an emergency, or disaster type situation? Maybe it's because I'm in Florida, and we natives have been through a few bad hurricanes, but having at least 3 -4 weeks of supplies is not weird, or an act of terrorism.
A factor that few consider, is proximity to the grocery store, and the price of gas. The further you live from the grocery store, the more you will stock up on in one trip. Another factor is taking advantage of sales. A couple times a year, one of our grocery stores does a BOGO on chicken, then various cuts of beef, then pork. I get as much as I can afford. That's usually several months worth. Another grocery store here does fantastic sales on seafood twice a year. BOGO bread can be frozen too. It makes fine toast. A lot of my "extra" money has gone towards buying food on sale. We always eaten better, and had plenty because of it. I picked, shelled, peeled, cut, cored, and shucked a lot of fresh grown food, and froze, or canned it. Again, better food, and plenty of it.

When they announce an impending hurricane here in Florida, even the largest grocery stores sell out of bread, canned foods, and water fast. 8 hours after they announce the hurricane, the shelves are empty. The grocery stores don't even have 2 weeks worth of food for the community they serve. They depend on trucks bringing it in, to restock on a steady basis. What happens if the trucks can't get through, due to an emergency, or disaster type situation? Maybe it's because I'm in Florida, and we natives have been through a few bad hurricanes, but having at least 3 -4 weeks of supplies is not weird, or an act of terrorism.

Well, we buy only about 2ce each month most of the time, sometimes once, but it's been harder to get that many grocery bags up the steps so 2ce is better. Can't afford meat or pork unless there is a super sale, plus NEVER steak, not ever. Have not had steak in many years, usually only buy ground beef on sale or an occasional roast on sale for the crock pot or to cut up for stew. We have not bought bread other than occasional hamburger buns since last November. We have canned sauces, soups, stews made from our own homegrown veggies, plus plenty of toilet paper and paper towels, plus medical supplies.

We eat a limited array of foods here. If most folks ate what I do, they'd be starving, LOL. My husband eats more than I do, but for him, it's a habit I wish he'd break (two of whatever rather than the one that I eat-I cannot eat two 1/3 lb burgers, good grief!)
I purchase our meats and milk direct from farm. We found a farm that raises low line, smaller animals that don't break the bank when we get a quarter. But I mostly do ground as we seriously use ground more than anything. The price for grass-fed is about 1/3 of what it would cost at the stores in our area.

Also, one of the guys at my workplace hunts and has gotten venison for me for several years now. I usually do that in ground as well. Sometime we get it free, but I've started paying for his tag which is about $25.

I feel very blessed.
I purchase our meats and milk direct from farm. We found a farm that raises low line, smaller animals that don't break the bank when we get a quarter. But I mostly do ground as we seriously use ground more than anything. The price for grass-fed is about 1/3 of what it would cost at the stores in our area.

Also, one of the guys at my workplace hunts and has gotten venison for me for several years now. I usually do that in ground as well. Sometime we get it free, but I've started paying for his tag which is about $25.

I feel very blessed.

Used to get venison from a friend, but he hasn't talked to me lately. Guess we run in different circles now. It was nice to have it to stretch the ground beef.
Wow...too bad you don't have a venison source anymore. The guy that gets ours does both bow and rifle seasons.

I've wished to learn how to use a crossbow and keep one around. I like being educated on how to do things even if I never do them. Our guy has offered for us to come over and learn crossbow but we haven't gone yet. I do want to do it sometime. Guess I just need to get it scheduled. We would learn on target. I guess they have a version that is easier to set bow for women.
Sorry to hear bout your son's job. Hope he gets it sorted out soon.

I don't miss house shopping at all. I ended up with my little house on a basement in town with 3 acres. I don't like having neighbors but I tolerate it. I will tolerate it a lot better when my privacy trees finish growing in lol. Eventually, I'll put up a fence or wall around the whole place.
When I next move, likely many years from now, it will be to a place in the country with no freaking neighbors. People whine about how loud my geese are. People called animal control on me saying I was cruel to my ducks. The animal control came, took one look at my fat healthy critters and laughed, never to return. I miss living without neighbors so freaking bad.
While we're talking about privacy trees....

Anyone have any great ideas for privacy bushes? I don't want poison ones (boxwood and yew). I really dislike arborvitae. These bushes can't go over 6 ft. tall.

I can think of things that I'd love to plant there but none of them are evergreen. Anyone have any experience with the mid-size junipers?

I have 160 ft. across the front that I need privacy from a highway. They actually put in a sidewalk a few years ago!!!!! (This "used" to be way out in the country but they are not calling it "suburb" :( )

I have another 160 ft. frontage that I can go taller with.
I'm growing some sort of arborvitae. They aren't the giant ones though. These get about 12-18 feet tall and about 5-8 feet wide.
I also have some spruce growing but they are very slow growers compared to the arborvitae. Both can be trimmed and kept shorter if need be.

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