The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Speckled, when was the last time you wormed all of them? That's the only thing I can think of that sort of fits your description of what's going on.

Actually, very recently, Cheryl. Would have to check my list for the actual date, but yup, I did most of the groups a couple of months ago.
Betsy's leg is much, much better so she went back with Bash. Bailey's crop is still weird, not impacted, not bloated, just not emptying overnight. And she won't eat anything unless she goes on range and eats the seed heads off the grasses or eats a few bites of pancake I make with butternut squash. So, either she'll do what's necessary to live or she won't.

Today, I noticed that Gypsy, my black Ameraucana, was a bit off. She seemed tired and slow today. She has never had any bloating or egg issues, hasn't laid in about four years and she'll be 11 years old next month. If she just drops dead of old age, I'll consider it a blessing for her and me. She is healthy with no issues that I'm aware of, though one leg is a bit stiff for a few steps after she's been sitting awhile, sort of like me! Gosh, I love that hen. She is my heart. She was such a great friend to my late crippled Zane, always wanted to be in his cage with him or lay her egg next to him.

I'm working on a humongous quilt, getting it done bit by bit. It's almost a king size. If it would just cool off, I might be able to do more in a day.

Heard coyotes a lot the last week or so at night. And some sound that could have been a large owl, can't say for sure, but sounded like a Great Gray owl, very deep voice. And some other stuff that might have been foxes, bizarre night sounds that I couldn't place. Usually, I know what I'm hearing, but not lately. There be monsters in my woods!
I am about to try a new feed for the first time in a dozen years. I'm not sure what's up with the Brahmas and their crop issues. I've had a couple of hens get sluggish crops in a hard molt, but nothing like these Brahmas. So, though I can't say it's a feed issue since the majority of my birds are doing just fine as always, I may branch out a bit just in case there is some issue, some change in formulation that is affecting them. I was looking at the Southern States Super Breeder, which is 21% protein with a probiotic added to the formulation. It's touted for all breeding birds and layers, even emus, pheasants and such. I haven't seen a label, but I assume it's a vegetarian feed. My birds get out on range so they do get some animal protein anyway eating bugs and bigger stuff. And I can always feed them stuff myself if I felt it was needed in the winter.

Anyone used this feed? It's more expensive, of course, than my Tucker Milling by a few bucks per 50#. I hate Purina feeds. They stink to me, like chemicals. I don't know what SS smells like. I fed it to the birds here and there way back at the beginning, but not the Super Breeder.
OMGOSH, look!! Have you ever heard of this? I think maybe I need this!
Screenshot_2018-10-08 PoultryDVM Feed DetailsMannaPro Golden Girls Senior Crumbles.jpg

ETA: the normal layer feed is similar, but it appears that extra vitamins are added to support aging reproductive systems.
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UPDATE, GOOD NEWS!!! First my son called and said his soon-to-be ex was upset. The airlines said the dog had to go on a separate flight, that she was leaving on Friday (yes, it had been postponed) and dogs cannot travel on the weekend. Then, she had the nerve to ask that he take the dog to the airport! We were trying to convince him that he should act like he was fine with it, then later just change his mind, that for the dog's sake, he felt it too dangerous for him to fly-we all have heard horror stories about dogs dying in flight lately, right? So, he just called us again, hours after the first call. Guess what?? The airline called her and told her that she could not take the dog at all, that if it was a UK dog coming back to the UK, she could, but that she can't because it's not.

HE GETS TO KEEP GHOST WITH SOPHIE!!!!! :ya:celebrate:wee:yesss:
Please be sure to share how you like the SS feed. I am interested to find out if it is in fact a no animal protein feed. SS has a line of All-Grain feeds, that they advertise as a no animal fat or animal protein diet. I have always fed the SS All-Grain feeds, not because of the no animal protein line, but because of the added minerals and probiotics. I have always been pleased with it, and my birds thrive on it. I've fed both the layer breeder pellets as well as the meat bird maker crumbles 20% protein(to non-meat birds). I have mostly settled on the meat bird maker, as an all flock feed. My broody hens raise their chicks within the flock, so one feed for all is a must. There is always free choice oyster shell and egg shell(when available). My chickens also go on range and get various scraps, so again, no worries about the protein source for me.

Let me know how it goes for you!
I found something new in feed from Fertrell.

I have always made my own feed and used Fertrell Poultry Nutribalancer (for organic) for the vitamin mix. I feed soy-free but my birds have NEVER eaten field peas. I've tried sprouting. No. I've tried ground in the feed. No. I've even cooked some to see if they would eat them. No. So all this time they've picked around the peas and won't touch them. I finally quit buying them. I use other protein sources, but really wanted to find something easier.

I just found that Fertrell is now making a protein crumble that you add the grains to to make your feed at the protein level you want. Their formulators will give you a recipe based on the percent protein you want and the grains you have available.

I've always purchased my grains by 50 lb bag (organic) from a somewhat local feed mill at a very good price for organic. I had the formulators give me the recipe for a 10 lb batch so that I could increase/decrease by 10 lb increments easily. I usually mix about 20 lb. at a time. If I ever want a higher protein I can call or email and they'll give me the ratios I need.

I also feed for all-flock with calcium source on the side.

The protein crumbles have fish meal, crab meal, flax (linseed) meal and sesame seed meal, field peas. They come in organic or not organic.

So...I'm trying it right now. I just purchased one 50 lb. bag of the protein crumbles to see how it goes. If they seem to eat it well, I'm going to plan on using it I think.

So far I see that they love to pick out the grains, but they're also eating the crumbles pretty well.

Jury is still out.

Edited to say that the Nutribalancer also has probiotic in it.
Would you have to order the senior crumbles or does someone near you carry them?

I have no idea. It was just surprising that someone recognized that older hens still lay and may need extra of some vitamins. I posted a link of feed comparisons I found that compared feeds to recommended allowances for the various ages groups and a member I won't call anything except The Feed Queen was all territorial and challenged every blessed thing I posted. So, I backed out of it. Geez, I still accidentally encounter gurus here in spite of trying to avoid them. :rolleyes:

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