The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

I have nothing against makeup in general, just the expensive products and complicated routines. And these YouTube women who are doing tutorials almost act like every woman must do stuff like that. I did see a woman in the UK do a complete routine using the inexpensive Elf brand and critique a couple of the products as she did it, but most are using really pricey stuff that I see no reason to spend my $$ on if other more cost-effective products work just as well. So far, I like the Milani and Elf and even some Rimmel London stuff I've used from Walmart and I'm trying not to keep makeup for literally years like I used to do-that stuff does eventually need to be rotated out because of bacteria contamination. I don't use it enough to use it up so I tend to keep it way too long, especially eye makeup. Recently, I threw away a few things and have been replacing them, but again, they'll probably be here longer than they should.
I have a hard drive that's failing. I have a new 6 TB drive sitting on my desk, waiting to be installed. While I'd like to transfer all the files off the failing drive, there are only 2 folders that are critical for me to transfer. 1 took 3 days & nights to transfer, but it finished up last night. I've got the second one started now. It's slow, but is getting the job done. I will breathe a sigh of relief when this file finishes, but will continue to transfer files off the drive for as long as I can. Once I get all I can, I will put in the new drive. I have been considering doing a re-build on my computer. I'll replace everything but the tower, and probably the power supply. I'll test the power supply, but as long as it's good, I don't see a need to replace it at this time.

The bigger problem is that for the last couple years, there is a lack of stability in the newer components. I thought about re-doing it last year, and decided to wait. As with any new designs on components, I figured I'd wait a year, or two and let them get the bugs worked out, and get them stable. The thing is, they haven't worked the bugs out, and it's gotten worse instead of better.
I have a hard drive that's failing. I have a new 6 TB drive sitting on my desk, waiting to be installed. While I'd like to transfer all the files off the failing drive, there are only 2 folders that are critical for me to transfer. 1 took 3 days & nights to transfer, but it finished up last night. I've got the second one started now. It's slow, but is getting the job done. I will breathe a sigh of relief when this file finishes, but will continue to transfer files off the drive for as long as I can. Once I get all I can, I will put in the new drive. I have been considering doing a re-build on my computer. I'll replace everything but the tower, and probably the power supply. I'll test the power supply, but as long as it's good, I don't see a need to replace it at this time.

The bigger problem is that for the last couple years, there is a lack of stability in the newer components. I thought about re-doing it last year, and decided to wait. As with any new designs on components, I figured I'd wait a year, or two and let them get the bugs worked out, and get them stable. The thing is, they haven't worked the bugs out, and it's gotten worse instead of better.

Ugh, I hate that stuff. I love having a new computer, but hate transferring all the stuff from one to the other. Good luck and hope nothing goes wrong during all that changeover for you, Cheryl
Thanks. In the past, I've usually changed hard drive because I went to a bigger size, so I could clone the drive, and transfer the info to the new one easily, and without a hitch. I've never had one failing like this, and with it failing, I'm afraid to push it before I get the needed files off of it. Pushing it could cause it to fail, and I want my files first.
I agree. I'm always scared I'll lose something in the changeover. But the rub is that I wouldn't know it was missing until I went to retrieve it. I have an external backup drive on mine that supposedly is backing it up daily, but you never know when that one will crash.

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