The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Very funny. I just got an email from sandhill last night. Ex said he had been trying to email me but had my address wrong.

“Wow! I keep getting bounced emails and finally found this one in the old file. I hope this gets to you.

I have not forgotten you, There are just a couple of breeds this year
that are giving us fits. Welsh Harlequin ducks have not hatched at all ,
while other duck breeds are at peak. Blue Orpington chickens have run zero fertility so far. I have switched roosters and will see how the next hatch goes if not I will send a refund. The hens are laying well and
the rooster looks topnotch so I am totally perplexed.


We shall see what happens. Let me know how you like your chicks.
Sometimes I just want to reach out and shake the stuffing out of a few of the people on BYC.

The lack of respect, and downright rudeness are becoming more frequent.

Ignorance, sheer stupidity, and bad advice abound.

Then there are the self proclaimed "expert" know-it-alls that are going to argue, and they have to split hairs, or go off topic for their argument to hold water.

There are those that tie their own hands, rejecting each, and every option available as a solution, so they can't solve their problem(s), but want to adopt the attitude of being victims of their circumstances.

This is not directed towards anyone on this thread. I just needed to vent.
Sometimes I just want to reach out and shake the stuffing out of a few of the people on BYC.

The lack of respect, and downright rudeness are becoming more frequent.

Ignorance, sheer stupidity, and bad advice abound.

Then there are the self proclaimed "expert" know-it-alls that are going to argue, and they have to split hairs, or go off topic for their argument to hold water.

There are those that tie their own hands, rejecting each, and every option available as a solution, so they can't solve their problem(s), but want to adopt the attitude of being victims of their circumstances.

This is not directed towards anyone on this thread. I just needed to vent.
This is why I don't post too much anymore. :hmm I feel the same way.
Sometimes I just want to reach out and shake the stuffing out of a few of the people on BYC.

The lack of respect, and downright rudeness are becoming more frequent.

Ignorance, sheer stupidity, and bad advice abound.

Then there are the self proclaimed "expert" know-it-alls that are going to argue, and they have to split hairs, or go off topic for their argument to hold water.

There are those that tie their own hands, rejecting each, and every option available as a solution, so they can't solve their problem(s), but want to adopt the attitude of being victims of their circumstances.

This is not directed towards anyone on this thread. I just needed to vent.

Yep. And that's one reason I stay in my own threads and my posts have slowed way down. I was the top poster on BYC for literally years. Others have bypassed me because of that, not that it's a race, just an observation that I don't post because I was tired of know-it-alls (who knew literally nothing) and others who refused to take the advice and listen to the experience of others who had been where they were numerous times or just plain knew what they were talking about. Denial is not only a river in Egypt here on BYC. I used to be in Emergencies a lot. Now, I don't even go in there unless someone tags me because they think I may have an answer for someone. I refuse to go into Random Ramblings or the Family section and definitely stay out of the breeder threads. There are some old, nasty cantankerous members who earned their way out of BYC but many rose up to take their place, unfortunately.
I stay in my own lane. Too bad. I do know a few things. I have seen a few things that many others never will as far as their chickens and can speak on those. But, nope.

That reminded me of comments I had on my BYC article about the dwarf gene, then followed me to my channel to harass me. This was my answer to this person on my channel and what she/he said:
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We were actually getting a little dry, but it rained most of yesterday and last night - soft, steady rain tho not storms. I did get a neglected Perennial bed 3/4 weeded out, should be able to finish it this weekend. There is some strange long flowering stalk coming up, I'm sure is was deliberately planted but don't remember what it is. Should be able to tell once it blooms. The hens were out and helped me scratch things up, I think they thought I was quite inefficient in the digging department.

Got a call from Sand Hill last night, my chicks are on the way - even with express shipping they are going to be 2 days in transit. Hopefully not 3, that would be a disaster! :fl

Good you got your perennial bed cleaned up. I remember what I plant but have trouble distinguishing daylilies from fake ones-a weed or grass.

Hope you get your babies soon!
Yep. And that's one reason I stay in my own threads and my posts have slowed way down. I was the top poster on BYC for literally years. Others have bypassed me because of that, not that it's a race, just an observation that I don't post because I was tired of know-it-alls (who knew literally nothing) and others who refused to take the advice and listen to the experience of others who had been where they were numerous times or just plain knew what they were talking about. Denial is not only a river in Egypt here on BYC. I used to be in Emergencies a lot. Now, I don't even go in there unless someone tags me because they think I may have an answer for someone. I refuse to go into Random Ramblings or the Family section and definitely stay out of the breeder threads. There are some old, nasty cantankerous members who earned their way out of BYC but many rose up to take their place, unfortunately.
I stay in my own lane. Too bad. I do know a few things. I have seen a few things that many others never will as far as their chickens and can speak on those. But, nope.

That reminded me of comments I had on my BYC article about the dwarf gene, then followed me to my channel to harass me. This was my answer to this person on my channel and what she/he said:

I remember, Cynthia, when you were the high poster and your intentions were good. It's changed alot since then. I used to be in emergencies alot but now sporadically because of the no-it-all with cures , and an overwhelming number of replies including many good ones. If I read a post I think is good I'll "like" it and that's it. If I post, I like to think that out of the thousands of readers if I help one it's good. What I will not tolerate is anyone saying "you'Re wrong!" To one of my posts. No one has that right! Just post your own friggin answer! It's best to just stay with good friends or aquaintences , people that you respect.

Getaclue- well said!!

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