The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Between really hot days I've been working on this pen. Just a long sweaty job!
I got this rash that started a while ago on my right inner elbow. That got better but now it's on most of my left forearm. It itches so bad. Even with cortisone, caladryl, diaper rash cream, and benedryl cream. Nothing works. At least tomorrow I have an appt. with the leading dermatologist/oncologist in Kentucky. Now I even have a patch under a breast!. I just can't stop the itching! Can't wait for tomorrow. I'm starting to think it's from holding chickens. I don't know why after 12 years. I think my daughter has a bit on her arm as well, as lately she can't get enough of being with my chickens! Makes me laugh after all the years of eye rolling!

Cynthia my garden has the healthiest weeds around. They are knee high now. I think hubs has to mow around my few measly plants. I did actually get my first ever cucumber!

Getaclue, how are those storms in Florida? Severe by you?
1muttsfan, how's the farming? I think they are starting to harvest corn here.
On facebook there's a site for livestock and agriculture in this area! I can't believe how many goats are for sale! Lots! (no thanks).
Anyone know what perennial flowers bloom late summer?

I had also planted 10 Lithrum/Privel starters and believe it or not they are growing! I might just have 10 gallon sized next year.
Love the video! I sent it on to my sister.

A lot of corn got put in late, but we have had a great growing season. No ripe tomatoes yet, but we seldom get them until mid-August.

Ick to the rash! Sounds like poison ivy/oak/ et al to me. I react to the stupid pepper bushes that grow in our hedge down in Florida.

Late perennials -
Goldenrod (yes! Wildflower, but there are garden varieties too)
Helianthus (perennial sunflower)
Most members of the Aster family
Oriental lilies
Balloon flowers
Globe Thistle - really striking
Coneflowers often last until early fall
Coreopsis - some varieties bloom long into late summer/early fall
Astilbe - good for shady spots
Rudbeckia varieties (eg black-eyed susan)
Dh was making a racket in the attic at 7:30 this morning. He had gone up to inspect the duct work. A squirrel made a hole in it, so he taped it. In the meantime, he discovered that one of the beams up there was broken. That's what all the racket was about. He reinforced it. The next time he's got a day off work, he'll get some angle iron, and further reinforce it, but what he's done will do fine for now.

BTW, plugging the hole has made a very noticeable difference in our AC today. It helps when part of your cold air is not leaking out into the attic.
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Great list of perennials, Mary.
Seminolewind, have you checked your chickens for bird mites/lice? A problem can develop all of a sudden. It's a bad bug year, at least here in the northeast. I found out that the mites the chickens catch from wild birds can get on people too. I always thought they were species specific but even though they can't complete their life cycle on humans, they can hang around long enough to do some serious biting.
@robhuncorand @seminolewind
Interesting you say that. This spring we had our first-ever bout with mites (first in 7 years).

I was getting bitten on my arms, legs and chest and couldn't figure out what was going on. I thought it was scabies or something similar.

Finally found that there was quite a mite infestation and took care of it.

I was wondering if it was because of my winter neglect. I didn't give them a dust bath this winter.

The rooster had it the worst. And, of course, I was picking him up every evening to put him in separate quarters for the night. When I pick up my birds I hold them close to my body/chest so I'm getting contact on arms and chest. Also just up the pants leg.

ETA: The places you mention that you're getting the rash is the same area I was getting it. ITCHES LIKE CRAZY.

It was definitely mite bites.

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