The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

After months and months of coughing and exhaustion and the latest meds that Tom was given not doing anything, I finally just ordered black elderberry syrup that also contains echinacea and zinc. I thought, he'd better not balk at it because of the taste. Well, he likes the taste. After his first doses yesterday, already he coughed much less overnight. Wasn't expected anything that soon. I ordered two bottles, but the other must have been from another source and was held up somewhere. Guess along with the powdered collagen, we'll be taking black elderberry as well as looking for some black elderberry shrubs to plant so we can hopefully make our own syrup in the future, if this works as well as it has been reported to work for the immune system.
I have been debating about ordering black elderberry, but was unsure if it really was that good, and which one to order. If you can, please post a link to the one that you ordered. I don't care if there is a delay, but I want one that I know works.
They actually carry it inside Walmart, but ordering it at the online store got it for me cheaper. We have the regular one and the one that is stevia-sweetened is more expensive, but they finally shipped that today and it will be here tomorrow. I can't really say how well it works yet since we just started, but I saw a video a doctor I watch on YouTube did about black elderberry and she says there is evidence that this does work.
This one is the one we are taking now:
Sambucol Standardized Elderberry with Echinacea, Zinc & Vit C

And the one we're waiting on is sugar free-when I ordered it, it was $8.97, but now it's over $12 online:

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I don't remember why Tom has been coughing, glad to hear the syrup helps though.

We don't know. It's been constant for months and months on and off for literally years, I guess, to hear him tell it. The last doc said post nasal drip, gave him Claritin and Flonase, did nothing. I was tired of nothing working and he was just plain tired.
A LOT of pediatricians are recommending it for flu, instead of Tamiflu. Apparently, one of the many (serious) side effects of Tamiflu, is vomiting. Adults tolerate it much better than children, and it causes vomiting in a large number of smaller children. The vomiting increases the risk for dehydration.
:frowHey all, Been a while since I've commented. I do still follow along here and there. We're quite busy here on the farm, growing our little dexter herd and growing tiny humans. We welcomed a baby girl the end of December. She's quite spoiled by her big brothers and Daddy. Anyhow, sorry to be such a lurker! My days fly by more often than not, and my attention is always needed elsewhere. Not a bad thing, really.
Anyhow, elderberry sparked my attention. It seems I have read that if you have any autoimmune disease, that you should check with your doctor before supplementing with an immune booster. Makes sense, I guess... you don't want to boost the thing that is trying to attack you. Cyn, I recall you mentioning thyroid stuff (me too, BTW) so that really caught my attention.
Regardless, continue to let us know how it goes. I'm super interested to see hear how it works. Maybe for others in my family and not (autoimmune) me. I'm just so tough that the only thing that can take me down is myself :rolleyes:
Hoping Tom feels better soon.

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