The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Mountains are definitely tricky when it comes to fencing. Without exactly the right equipment, you can end up with a poor fencing job and dangerous too. I feel your pain!! We barely have a place on our property that is flat. And if it is flat, there are probably rocks. But oh, do we love the mountain life.

I would take down the old fence, if you are able. It may provide a 2nd line of defense, but it also may become quite the hazard and keep you from accessing both sides of your new fence for repairs, etc. If you can't access the space between, that's definitely a mess. Stuff will grow in there, become a tangled mess, and if you have my luck a chicken will inevitably get into that area and need rescuing some day. Clean fence lines make for stronger, longer lived fences.

I agree about keeping woods, I love our tree lines for privacy. When we continue our perimeter fencing, we will take down a bunch of cherry trees (poisonous to everything we keep here, anyhow) and clear a lot of autumn olive. It will be sad to see it all go, but we have a big field between us and our neighbors on that side. And, there again, we need access to both sides of the fence for any repairs. Can't have our little 25-30lb calves squeak through in a place we can't see.

My motto is farm smarter, not harder. We do our best to do our best the first time, so we don't have to constantly fix things. If we are not able to do it right the first time, at the very least we learn from our mistakes.
Dumping our insurance company of almost 18 years today. The main agent apparently left the office and the remaining people are so rude. Plus, we were told that we could not put both cars on liability, two worth almost nothing, haven't owed a dime on one in years, bought the other with cash, driven less than 5k/yr total, even before CV-19. Our agent is called Insurance Mart, but the actual co. is Southern Trust. Both have been full coverage for years.
We called Southern Trust directly and they said if it was a new policy, would have to have comp on at least one, but since we're long time customers, no need for that. She called that woman at Ins Mart to tell her it was fine, but it was refused, said it was Ins Mart policy (I thought Ins Mart represented Southern Trust, my bad, eh?) and even remarked about how rude she was. We called another guy in Blairsville so we are switching. He's calling Southern Trust to verify that he can do liability on both and we're good to go. One is worth $3900 and one is worth less than 7K on trade and we normally drive less than 5K /yr on each, maybe even total, even less now that we're always at home with the CV thing. So, why pay full coverage?Makes zero sense except to put $$ in the agent's pocket. Yeah, they were bad to work with during the house fire anyway. Now, they lose us entirely. Serves them right. I don't tolerate rudeness to customers/clients. It's MY money and GA doesn't require that so they're trying to hold my wallet hostage.

....well, well, well. Got an email and they changed our policy to liability on BOTH vehicles as of now, getting a $100 refund for the remainder of the policy, which comes due July. Someone got hold of Miss RudeButt.
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I drove from from our place, to Alabama yesterday. Long, hard trip, but well worth it. I am the proud mama of 15, just hatched, SOP Black Australorp chicks. As a bonus, I got 8 hatching eggs, which I will get in the incubator today.

I got Hot Hands hand warmers, activated 4 of them, spread them out a bit, wrapped them in a towel, and the chicks were comfy cozy, and warm, on the trip home. They snuggled in to the hand warmer bundle, like it were a mama. I was so pleased at how well it worked out.
I drove from from our place, to Alabama yesterday. Long, hard trip, but well worth it. I am the proud mama of 15, just hatched, SOP Black Australorp chicks. As a bonus, I got 8 hatching eggs, which I will get in the incubator today.

I got Hot Hands hand warmers, activated 4 of them, spread them out a bit, wrapped them in a towel, and the chicks were comfy cozy, and warm, on the trip home. They snuggled in to the hand warmer bundle, like it were a mama. I was so pleased at how well it worked out.

That's great! If someone bought little chicks from me and had a drive to take, I'd put in the hand warmers for them, too. Works like a charm!

My septic issue is not fully resolved, apparently. Stuff came up into the shower pan in the basement. And we don't even use that bathroom down there, only rarely. I'm afraid that the 26 yr old field is in need of replacing and that's another $3K, I bet. There goes the stimulus check.
Have you had a lot of rain recently? Try flushing a bit of yeast, and a couple cans of cheap catfood down the toilet.
Why catfood? We've had a good bit of rain, yeah. We were using the enzymes every month for quite awhile, but haven't for a couple of months. I hate to use yeast since no one can find that stuff now. It's like gold! That entire tank was completely empty a few months ago when we had that work done so I feel like there is some sort of blockage from the tank to the house or the tank out to the field. No idea who did the work on the original septic since much of the house was done by non-professionals in the first place. I fear Steve Meyer, the son of the guy who developed this place, did it. He did the original porch roof and did it badly.

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