The Expecting Chick Momma Thread

Not sure where to ask this but anyone out there that is not new at this ever see a baby chick do this? She will lay in your hand and get her belly rubbed and then go to sleep. Perfectly content. You put her down and she comes back to you to do it again. She has been the friendliest one since I opened the box. She is so cool! She is an Easter Egger.
Hi and many thanks for your advice i will do just as you say, i will get a hutch and run for when i move her.. im very gratefull for your help. if you dont mind id like to contact you again when they hatch (which i think maybe next week) because i know that i will be so excited but also im going to panik that i do everything right, do the chicks bond with their mum and sleep with her or are they independant from the start and go their own way.xx
Hi and many thanks for your advice i will do just as you say, i will get a hutch and run for when i move her.. im very gratefull for your help. if you dont mind id like to contact you again when they hatch (which i think maybe next week) because i know that i will be so excited but also im going to panik that i do everything right, do the chicks bond with their mum and sleep with her or are they independant from the start and go their own way.xx

When the chicks first hatch they will bond with their mom, and will stay with her, they will sleep under her for warmth and will not go to far from her. They will not get independant right away, their momma wi ll show them how to eat, how to drink, how to do all the chicken stuff, and by the time they get feathers and will not need her for heat and stuff they will start to get a bit more on their own kind of thing, but they don't go too far. Well mine didn't go to far from their hen.
Hello all,

I have been incubating chicken eggs for the past 18 days and just wanted to give you an update. ( I'm super excited as it gets closer ( should be 10th ish), I find my self looking in every time i pass by( they're in my living room) Lol

I just set them into lockdown and I went to check to see what the humidity and three of them are rocking ! just a little.

I'll give more updates as I go.

Thank you all for your time.

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My hatch cam is now LIVE for anyone interested. Two pips so far ^_^ Stop by whenever you'd like!

The link is in my signature
Ooo!! I'm getting some chicks from my local feed store in March- April. You see, they have different breeds coming in on different dates, and all the breeds that I'm getting aren't coming in on the same date, so I'm getting one every week this is the schedule:
3/21/13- I get my Buff Orpington Omelette (yes they're named ;D)
3/28/13- I get my EE Pippy
4/4/13- I get my Barred Rock Hedwig!
I'm super excited I can hardly wait!!!
Lol, love the name Omelette! If mine weren't all named I would like to name one Chicken and one Dumpling. Good luck with your babies!

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