The fake government wants me to get rid of my chickens now what? 6 hen

Especially true since this is obviously a local ordinance having nothing to do with federal law. In addition I have to say that likening an ordinance concerning keeping chickens with the actions of the Gestapo is insulting to the memory of those persecuted by Nazi Germany.
An unsigned flyer? Does it specifically say it is from the township? In other words, is it even legitimate?
Could be a farce dreamed up by a neighbor who doesn't like chickens. Your yard is unfenced, do any of the chickens ever wander off your property?
Especially true since this is obviously a local ordinance having nothing to do with federal law. In addition I have to say that likening an ordinance concerning keeping chickens with the actions of the Gestapo is insulting to the memory of those persecuted by Nazi Germany.

In fact this does reflect Federal law! In the National Health Care" bill it directly attacks our ability to raise our own food by requiring foodstuffs for children to be approved and tested by the AG Department. It is a continuation of federal socialist control measures. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
I'm sorry if you have to get rid of your chickens. But, the government certainly does have the right to make these laws, and has for many years. There is no private property, but the government owns it all. We merely lease the rights to this land. If you don't think that is true, try not paying your property taxes, and you will quickly learn who owns the land. Since the land is theirs, they absolutely have the right to decide what should and shouldn't be on it. However, I am a believer in letting your chickens stay until they tell you personally that you must get rid of them.
Put a sock init! Law and government are NOT the same. If you have 4 tricycles in your drive, someone may think that excessive and complain. Goment reacts to complaints. Law is majority rule, and the goment follows that first, minority rights are abridged all the time, because not enough people realize that rights for one, are rights for all. Generally an acre for a chicken is rediculous, it is an acre for a horse or cow. Unreasonable limits, are imposed as a solution for thinking and the cost of policing many yards that could have chickens( or whatever the target is). Formerly, chickens were kept under the grand porches here in The Late Great city of Gary, in my grandfathers time. That was eleiminated sometime in the 50's after the war effort and changing times made the hazards to health by chickendom, a percieved threat to the population. Every lie has a kernal of truth at its core.

I would move slowly and not be the 'nut case' down the street. Negotiating with Authorities take a bit of tongue biting, and personal control, but pays in spades. All the changes to ordinances are annotated for dates because of Grandfather issues.

Some crusty ol lady drove past me yesterday, and yelled 'CUT YOUR GRASS'. I dont live a a burb, I have 5 acres, and dont need some idiot passing judgment. If you dont like the view, dont look, You have the right to be somewhere else not to bother me, Law says that action was disturbing my peace. I rarely works to perfection, but courts scare people. I embrace them, and make them mine, becasue they are.

Personally, I see no harm in keeping a coupla chooks for personal pleasure and subsistance, in nearly ANY setting. The extremes excepted. I wish you luck, and bid you peace.
According to the Constitution the "Government" has no "rights", only "responsibilities to the people". It is only due to the lack of concern and involvement by the people that the idea of rights for the Federal government has come about. Your statement that there is no private ownership of property is only because the people have allowed government to take it away from the people.

We have traded away our rights for an easier life and more leisure time instead of thinking and doing for ourselves. Now we are paying the price for that!
If you are interested in changing the ordinance, put some energy into searching this Forum line (many success stories with strategies/tactics that might be useful in your situation).

Start a chicken lobby of your own and put the energy into making phone calls and networking (blowing smoke is fun but eventually all the lint in the navel is ashed and the chooks remain under threat).

Here is the Columbia, Missouri Ord.:

politics is local, have you called County Commissioner, spoke with the Mayor, etc.? Other poultry owners?
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I was thinking, and that is rare for me, that one answer is to ask for a limited or local varience, and stipulate it is for caged pets of Chickendom. Decribe the conditions and limits of your adventure, and even ask your two conjoined neighbors to sign off. This usually flushes out a complainer, or gets you into a meeting that gets some action, while you keep your peeps, during the hearing schedule. Commonly, it may take a year to get a hearing with real action to answer the question, and during that time you can keep your area neat and pretty. If there is a complaint of any kind, ask the who, what, and why, as you have a right to confront your accusers for open discourse. THAT is law. And you need to read or get a copy of Roberts rules of order, that is basic to proceedure, in Goment. Go for Bear or go Home. Your rights are more important than the pets, and people forget that fact.

If you get cited to go to court, good, go, and present to the judge that variences have been applied for, etc. It makes for great fun, as long as you respect the court, they must follow proceedure, as you are not the only one with peeps in a town. The judge is bound by the Bar to hear all cases on their individual merits. Thats what is supposed to happen, and if they violate proceedure, you can complain to the bar, and NO JUDGE in his right mind is going to go for review on that.. Trust me , it works..

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