The fish tank thread.

I just found and read through this whole thread. There are some gorgeous tanks posted here! I'll have to add a few photos of mine. I currently have a 29 gallon goldfish tank and a planted 75 gallon with danios, tetras, gourami, corys, a bala shark, and a rarely seen pleco. There are also two tanks in my son's room (a 20 long and a 29) that are works in progress with no fish in them. We are working on getting a 60 gal tank set up in our bedroom. I had some experience keeping fish several years ago, but had to sell my tanks when I moved. Then, I met my husband who also loves fish and aquariums. He has been collecting and hoarding fish tanks for years. I know that we have more tanks in storage but I have no idea how many. It's more than we could ever actually set up though.

We have well water here too. It's excellent quality water though and has no chlorine in it. It's really nice to be able to just add water to the fish tanks straight from the tap.
Thanks for the tank compliments! I was hoping to add a few more fish this weekend but noticed last night that one of the Gouramis is developing "ich", ERRR.

Going to raise the temp up to 86 degrees until all is clear before adding new fish.
ich is super annoying......sad that one has it :(

my 65 gallon. it changes a lot.

nice tank!! Is it all live?
yep, all live plants. it doesnt have much in it right now, but for both of those pictures, i was injecting CO2 into the water and raising all of my own fish food.
i was running DIY CO2, basically, i was making wine and bleeding the CO2 off into a diffuser in the tank. after a few weeks, i would set the bottle aside to settle, and start another one. then i would drink the wine lol.

here is another shot of the tank, from a different point in time.

at that time, i was also running an experimental tank. the substrate was a mix of cow manure and crushed coral, and the lights were left on 24/7. CO2 injection from both sides.
the growth rates were far beyond what you would call normal.
Happy Dad, I think of goldfish as lumpy orange crap factories.
They can go live in someone else's stanky well water.
yep, all live plants. it doesnt have much in it right now, but for both of those pictures, i was injecting CO2 into the water and raising all of my own fish food.
i was running DIY CO2, basically, i was making wine and bleeding the CO2 off into a diffuser in the tank. after a few weeks, i would set the bottle aside to settle, and start another one. then i would drink the wine lol.

here is another shot of the tank, from a different point in time.

at that time, i was also running an experimental tank. the substrate was a mix of cow manure and crushed coral, and the lights were left on 24/7. CO2 injection from both sides.
the growth rates were far beyond what you would call normal.
That's awesome!!

Wait a minute now...Goldfish and koi are cool!!!

I built a pond just for them. This is a picture of it "in process" and it holds about 2,000 gallons. I will also add channel cat and bluegill. I also have another pond on the side that holds 1,000 gallons.

I have some real pretty Sarrassa Comets. And some nice butterfly and regular Koi.

I used to hate goldfish but as I have aged I moved from inside tanks to outside tanks and ponds.

I have a 296 gallon tank with a 110 gallon filter in my shed and also a 400 gallon tank with a 110 gallon filter in the shed.

I made the two tanks in my shed from sheet plastic and chip board.... the filters are livestock tanks with water and sandstone as a filter media. The big tank in the shed has 200 bluegill and a few goldfish and small koi in it.

Don't knock goldfish and koi...they are great outside fish!!!
Yeah, goldfish and koi are not really ment to be in an inside aquarium anyway. They can get way over a foot and a half long and produce a lot of waste and need a large area to swim. It sickens me when people keep goldfish in bowls, that's way too small, has no aeration, and stunts them.

We did pebble mosaics around the outside of the pond and it took a long time to build.

I just had to post a couple of pics just to compete with some of the fine tanks I have seen here. The pictures were taken before the pond was finished. These ended up with a yellow background and my wife outlined the pebbles with a dark stain.

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