The Food Chain Strikes AGAIN!!!


8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
Loudon, New Hampshire
Right off the porch is my little pen with my OEGB "Tiny Roo" and "Mrs. Tiny Roo". The past week or so there has been a little chipmunk that has decided to share meals with my Tiny couple. It's really super cute and I wish I had a picture of it. The chippy sits on the tall rock in the run and Tiny Roo sits just about next to him. So today I go out and check on my new momma and her babies and my cat Patrick takes a flying leap off the porch, bolts past me scratching my foot on the way by and lands in the tall grass......and pops out with the little chippy in his mouth

And of course he just couldn't kill it like a good kitty.....nooooo..... he had to sit there and play with it for 15 minutes and leaves it on the porch right in front of the door with the job half done.

Someone tell me my day will's OK you can lie to me.
RIGHT! And I am offically requesting that tomorrow it stops raining!
That will make it better for sure
my chickens are awful cranky when the weather is bad.
I know what you mean. one of my 2 week old chicks was daring enough to go near the gate of their coop without it's mother. a cat must have stuck its paw in and dragged him/her out. i found the poor little thing 5 feet away from the coop with no head. if i was fast enough that cat would have been a goner.

I 'dislike' cats
I have been lucky with my cats so far...they don't pay much attention to the chickens at all. When they walk past them the chickens get their feathers in a twist and the cats just look at them like they have a screw loose. Can't really say what might happen if I wasn't sitting right there tho. The little fluff balls might be a little harder to resist for them then the 15 pound rooster standing guard over the hens.

I was known as the crazy cat lady of the family before i got chickens.... (im sure you know where this is going) lol
I'm here in Maine, and I've been feeding the chipmunks too- darned things are SO bold. They'll let me get to within a foot of them while they PIG OUT!! I'm actually and getting sick of them. They really are eating a lot of feed. I may have to start feeding twice a day, rather than letting them free feed at the feeder. Grrr.

As far as cats, I have a big male Himalyan that recently has started going outside. He was stalking the alpha hen Mimi the other day. She is one tough bird and I think she would have wooped him GOOD. I told him no, and he left her alone. He forgets he has no claws, while she clearly has a beak and feet!!
silly boy.
My chickens have unleashed some serious cans of whoopass on my cat (who is a ratter of some renown).

She once stalked my big red hen, who responded by turning around and pecking her between the eyes. TWICE. Another hen has been known to bite the cat on the butt if the cat is too near some food. Oh my goodness, I love watching the chickens show that cat who the REAL apex predator is out the back!
I would have hugged the kitty! We have WAY too many chipmunks here. Nothing seems to eat them unfortunately.

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