~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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He smiled wryly at her, "There's a good sprite, see how peacefully this can be done if you just stop blubbering?" He removed his claw and patted her head. It had been so long now since last he had actually hunted, and tasted, a dragon, it was one of his many habits most others frowned upon. Hehe, like he cared what others thought.
"Good b---" He started as he was thrown forward and back. He reeled his head back and hissed at Henry, turning back to Charlotte, ""*Dragon curses* Looks like our little friend has other plans, how about I take care of this first?" Silv reached above his head and, with a few good tugs, broke off a decent sized stick. He smiled again, jamming it down between the tree and the dragonness' wing, "Try to break free, sprite, and I'll teach a new meaning of suffering, mkay?"
"You've got one *Doododododo!* of a death wish, don't you old man." Silv trilled down, "Lets say I fulfill it for you and we call it even for you messing with my meal?"
He flung himself from Charlotte to a neighboring tree, forgetting till that moment about his ribs. He hit the tree and almost lost his grasp, eyes glazing over with the pan as his chest caught the branch. This could make things interesting... It took him a moment to catch his breath and he flashed Henry a twisted grin as he prepared to throw himself somewhere new. "Oh, okay. Not a problem, J-man. Meanwhile, I'll go get a juicy griffin to munch on while I watch my friends and home torn to bloody shreds." She replied, frills flushing once more as the tone of her voice rose. She stood and backed away several paces, same as he, "Why don't you just come to Pelendava? You don't have to stay, Jester. There are other places, far away from here and everyone, safe places. Why do this to yourself, and me?"
(Did he stab her wing with the stick? :p)

Charlotte whimpered, her eyes blinking away her tears that were beginning to fall more quickly. She shifted her weight on the branch, trying to hold on with her claws so that her weight wasn't held entirely on her wing. She glanced back at Silv to make sure he wasn't looking, then tested the strength of the stick holding her there to see if she could break free. Her wing shrieked with pain and her eyes glazed over at the slightest movement of her body. She stopped moving quickly and pushed up with her feet, trying to loosen the pressure on her wing which had already started to tear, the thin membrane giving way to her weight pulling down on it.

Henry was stumped for a moment and just stood there, his gaze flicking back between Charlotte and Silv. Instead of going after Silv, he stayed below the tree where Charlotte was and peered up at her. As long as she was away from him, he was satisfied for now. Her blueish, purple scales didn't exactly blend in to the green trees and the patrols would be looking for her, he was thankful that Silv had taken her so high.

"You know Camilla exiled me," He spat, his voice savage as he recounted his former dealings with the queen of Pelendava. "I will never be welcome there, you know that. They will die, and if you stay here, you will too." Without waiting for her to reply, he whipped around and stalked away from her.
(Did he stab her wing with the stick? :p)

Charlotte whimpered, her eyes blinking away her tears that were beginning to fall more quickly. She shifted her weight on the branch, trying to hold on with her claws so that her weight wasn't held entirely on her wing. She glanced back at Silv to make sure he wasn't looking, then tested the strength of the stick holding her there to see if she could break free. Her wing shrieked with pain and her eyes glazed over at the slightest movement of her body. She stopped moving quickly and pushed up with her feet, trying to loosen the pressure on her wing which had already started to tear, the thin membrane giving way to her weight pulling down on it. 

Henry was stumped for a moment and just stood there, his gaze flicking back between Charlotte and Silv. Instead of going after Silv, he stayed below the tree where Charlotte was and peered up at her. As long as she was away from him, he was satisfied for now. Her blueish, purple scales didn't exactly blend in to the green trees and the patrols would be looking for her, he was thankful that Silv had taken her so high.

"You know Camilla exiled me," He spat, his voice savage as he recounted his former dealings with the queen of Pelendava. "I will never be welcome there, you know that. They will die, and if you stay here, you will too." Without waiting for her to reply, he whipped around and stalked away from her.

(it's Silv! Of course he did! :p)

"You think your so smart, you think you can save her?"
Silv flew at him, aiming to latch onto Henry's back with his claws.
He lashed out with his tail and beat with his wings.

(^^^ Tiny post! oOo)

Frill glared at him, jaws clenched tight.
She lifted her wings and stared at his back as he walked away, "Guess I'll meet you then, Jester."
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(it's Silv! Of course he did! :p)
"You think your so smart, you think you can save her?"
Silv flew at him, aiming to latch onto Henry's back with his claws.
He lashed out with his tail and beat with his wings.
(^^^ Tiny post! oOo)
Frill glared at him, jaws clenched tight.
She lifted her wings and stared at his back as he walked away, "Guess I'll meet you then, Jester."


"At least I can say I tried!" He snarled, glaring at him and then looking worriedly back at Charlotte, he knew she didn't have much blood to lose and her wing was still bleeding.

"Henry look out!" She screamed, having seen Silv making bis move from the tree.
Henry's gave flew up, but all he saw was Silv's claws heading straight for him. He tried to duck but since Silv was aiming for his back the move did little good. His legs buckled under the added weight, but did not give out completely. He bucked wildly to throw him off, but his already exhausted legs were tiring qui kly and he knew he couldn't keep it up for long. He took one more desperate look at Charlotte to make sure she was still in the tree as his movements got slower.

Jester didn't look back, he spread his massive bkack wings and headed into the sky. He wasn't sure if he could bring himself to kill her, even if Tenebrae orderedhim to, but he would quite willingly destroy the ones she loved it meant that Pelendava, and Camilla would suffer. Then he stopped.

Frill hadn't promised him that she wouldn't tell. His muscles tightened under his thick black scales and he growled. Suddenly he wasn't sure why he had trusted her in the first place? How could he have been so stupid? She was from Pelendava! She represented the very ones he had sworn to destroy when he joined Caronia. In that split second he made up his mind. Frill had turned him down, betrayed him. He wouldn't let her destroy everything he had worked for. He turned around, stalkinv her silently crom behind. He would shut her up for good.
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Raven grinned and looked for some weak spots on Maggie, seeing a spot weak she ran at Maggie. Stopping a few feet infront of her, then twirling around very fast and smashing her Tail into Maggie's Legs and jumping at her chest.
Maggie's legs buckled underneath her and she fell... right on top of Raven as she was jumping at her chest.
"At least I can say I tried!" He snarled, glaring at him and then looking worriedly back at Charlotte, he knew she didn't have much blood to lose and her wing was still bleeding.
"Henry look out!" She screamed, having seen Silv making bis move from the tree.
Henry's gave flew up, but all he saw was Silv's claws heading straight for him. He tried to duck but since Silv was aiming for his back the move did little good. His legs buckled under the added weight, but did not give out completely. He bucked wildly to throw him off, but his already exhausted legs were tiring qui kly and he knew he couldn't keep it up for long. He took one more desperate look at Charlotte to make sure she was still in the tree as his movements got slower.
Jester didn't look back, he spread his massive bkack wings and headed into the sky. He wasn't sure if he could bring himself to kill her, even if Tenebrae orderedhim to, but he would quite willingly destroy the ones she loved it meant that Pelendava, and Camilla would suffer. Then he stopped.
Frill hadn't promised him that she wouldn't tell. His muscles tightened under his thick black scales and he growled. Suddenly he wasn't sure why he had trusted her in the first place? How could he have been so stupid? She was from Pelendava! She represented the very ones he had sworn to destroy when he joined Caronia. In that split second he made up his mind. Frill had turned him down, betrayed him. He wouldn't let her destroy everything he had worked for. He turned around, stalkinv her silently crom behind. He would shut her up for good.

"How valiant." Silvanus laughed, wrapping his jaws around the struggling Henry's neck.
He held on tight, holding him in a in a deathly hug; grinning through the blood.

Frill was off, staying on the ground.
Jester's eyes...... The image flashed repeatedly in her mind, mixing with sorrow, anger and fear.
She would stay on the ground and head for the falls, eventually making her way to Pelendava.

(EVIL Holly! :tongue Yes Quinn.... Join the darkside, it is deliciously fun. Bwuahahhaa.... And Silv needs an apprentice, any volunteers?)
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