~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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She stopped, out of breath, cocking her head to look up at him.
She didn't see Jester anymore, just a big dark mass in the sky. Outrunning him wasn't option, killing him was.
Her odds were easily in the one in a thousand category, but she was done being hunted. He was clearly enjoying himself, what little decency he had once possessed snapped like his sanity.
The moment he spotted her paces slowing down, Jester pulled back and extended his claws. Without his wings to support him, his mass dropped like a rock and by the time Frill looked up he had closed the distance between them in half. He was fully aware that Frill was able to hold her ground, but wasn't worried about it. It was funner when they put up a fight.
She skirted out of his way, dodging behind the trees and waiting for him to crash onto the earth.
Jester growled, but managed to land quite decently... and without crashing. He paused with his wings extended above him, then slowly tucked them halfway back against his body, leaving some extended. His movements were slow as he was in no hurry, he knew Frill wouldn't run again, and if she did, he could simply follow her as he had before. His claws made deep impressions in the ground as he turned to face Frill, locating her behind the trees by scent rather then sight. "Frill...." His voice had an odd ring to it, he had never spoken her name this way before. "You know you cannot outrun me, you cannot fight me. Lets make this quick and painless."
I'll give ya squirrel monster! :tongue
Silv scoffed at her words, now continuing his stride, "Even if I wasn't already full, you look about as tasty as last weeks droppings. Nothing to fear from here, bubbles. I prefer the prettier ones."
Full of smoke....
Her words tempted him; he was torn between wanting to stay and play around a bit, and getting as far away from Avalon as possible. Next time his sore ribcage seemed o tell him, and he agreed.

Suddenly she looked interested. Very interested. She looked him over again. "So, a dragon hunter, hmm? Teach yourself or learn from someone else? I thought you were looking for that deer I just ate. As for eating me... Well, I'd be more trouble then I was worth." she added, a calculating gleam in her eye.
He could give you power a voice in her head said
But what's the pric? she responded to her inner conversation.
Unbeknownst to both if them, another predator was nearby. Belial. He stopped, his keen ears picking up the word 'dragon hunter'. Who could this be? He wondered curiously, it wasn't often that those kind of dragons spoke so freely of their hobby within the limits of Avalon. One of the warriors could hear them, and then they'd have to deal with Camilla. Oh how he pittied the poor soul who had to do that. He was surprised they hadn't been caught already.
"Don't worry Ruth, Camilla is leading a search party herself." The white dragoness assured the other. "There is nothing more we can do." Their voices drifted closer to Zinerva, and niether of them seemed to notice her.
She narrowed her eyes, stepping closer and closer to them by the second. The dragoness finally raised her voice. "Hey..." she began. "Do you know where I can find whoever has the runs of this place?"
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