~The Forests of Avalon, A Dragon Roleplay~

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Woah! Evil.
Bianka made a split second decision; she exited the cloud cover and quickly flew down to the ground. She landed next to Silv with a light thump and flashed him a brilliant smile. "So Silv, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend there?"
Frill wriggled and continued her shrill cries and grunts, whipping her tail and lashing at his sides.
She was terrified, realizing in which direction he was headed. COronia.... If there was something worse than dying at his claws, it was held at gates of Caronia.
At his claws....
The whole time she had known him she had never been afraid of him, no matter what he had done to others: she had known she was safe. When she first arrived, alone and not much more than a hatchling, he had been there. Just there, and she had thought he always would be. Her protector, her teacher, even when he had drifted to Caronia he had still held that god-like status in her eyes; the safe place, the warm blanket when she was cold.

But she had made her choice. Her heart had become no more than a broken family, two halves that warred over her mind to choose one side. There was no correct answer. Jester or Avalon, she couldn't have both, and she could never have him. Avalon it was.
She regretted her decision in many ways, but she really had no choice but to stick with it. And she would, to the end. She would not be taken alive to Caronia, not by him, not by Silas himself.
Woah! Evil.
Bianka made a split second decision; she exited the cloud cover and quickly flew down to the ground. She landed next to Silv with a light thump and flashed him a brilliant smile. "So Silv, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend there?"

Silv raised his eyebrows as the dragoness plunked down beside him; her landing sending a flutter of decaying leaf matter spiraling around his legs. He proceeded to stare at her for a moment, blinking a few times as his coppery yellow-green eyes examined her face. He wasn't exactly sure how to answer to the brash rogue's question, or if he should just show her to the nearest guard. He didn't particularly feel like wrestling another anything today.
She had guts though, anyone with a shred of brains new entering Caronia was a virtual invitation to death, as was following him.

"I highly doubt you two would get along, although the results hold the potential of some mild entertainment." He replied, looking over his shoulder and back to her with a bored, questioning face.
Frill wriggled and continued her shrill cries and grunts, whipping her tail and lashing at his sides.
She was terrified, realizing in which direction he was headed. COronia.... If there was something worse than dying at his claws, it was held at gates of Caronia.
At his claws....
The whole time she had known him she had never been afraid of him, no matter what he had done to others: she had known she was safe. When she first arrived, alone and not much more than a hatchling, he had been there. Just there, and she had thought he always would be. Her protector, her teacher, even when he had drifted to Caronia he had still held that god-like status in her eyes; the safe place, the warm blanket when she was cold.
But she had made her choice. Her heart had become no more than a broken family, two halves that warred over her mind to choose one side. There was no correct answer. Jester or Avalon, she couldn't have both, and she could never have him. Avalon it was.
She regretted her decision in many ways, but she really had no choice but to stick with it. And she would, to the end. She would not be taken alive to Caronia, not by him, not by Silas himself.
The landscape below them began to change slowly from the lush green forests of Avalon, to the barren dullness of Caronia. It was a slow change, but obvious. The flight was a few hours, give or take a bit as Caronia and Avalon weren't close to each other at all, almost a full days journey from Pelendava. And during that time he had plenty of time to mull things over and decide what to do, it was easier to think in the air. He was vaguely aware of her struggling against his claws, one and awhile her tail would slash against his sides and he woud flinch, but not stop. His mind was pre-occupied. He couldn't kill Frill, that much he knew. He had known that from the start, and had been foolish to assume otherwise.

And in that moment he had changed his mind, he wouldn't take her to Caronia as had been his origional plan. Instead of taking her directly to Mount Mandalla where the main camp of Caronia was situated, he veered off sharply to the left with a quick, sudden descent that sent butterflies through his stomach. This was the point of no return, if he continued he would be forced to hand over Frill to Tenebrae, and who knew what he would do.

The dive he put them into was steep and fast, and when he finally unfurled his wings to slow them down the G-forces tore even more at Frill's wings as Jester pulled up. They were very low now, following the edge of a cliff that dropped off on one side, going straight down into darkness. After only a few seconds, Jester banked again into another steep dive down into the darkness below the cliff and circled around once before ducking under an outcrop into a large half-cave. It was very dark in the cave, not even the light of the moon or stars penetrated the thick blackness that hung in the air. He dropped Frill onto the cave floor, which was covered in a slimy layer of moss and sludgy water, and landed in front of her to block the exit. "I'm sorry." He said after a moment, his voice echoing strangely off the cave walls.
The city was quieter then usual, and the cheerful atmosphere had seemed to dimish into a silent whisper that was spreading like wildfire as news of the missing dragons got out. There was all kinds of rumors spreading around, some thought that they had been attacked by something while others scoffed and said that they were simply late, and everyone was making a fuss out of nothing. Until, however, Amaria had returned with Charlotte. She hadn't spoken to anyone as Camilla had ordered and went straight to Ester's den. The elderly dragoness was well known for her healing purposes, but that only added to the rumours. What had happened? Where was Camilla? Why had Amaria returned alone?
Silv raised his eyebrows as the dragoness plunked down beside him; her landing sending a flutter of decaying leaf matter spiraling around his legs. He proceeded to stare at her for a moment, blinking a few times as his coppery yellow-green eyes examined her face. He wasn't exactly sure how to answer to the brash rogue's question, or if he should just show her to the nearest guard. He didn't particularly feel like wrestling another anything today.
She had guts though, anyone with a shred of brains new entering Caronia was a virtual invitation to death, as was following him.
"I highly doubt you two would get along, although the results hold the potential of some mild entertainment." He replied, looking over his shoulder and back to her with a bored, questioning face.

She smiled mildly, her eyes wide with innocence.mshe could see the indecision on Silv's face, and she savored it for a moment. She had noticed his pain earlier, and she took advantage of that now. She poked him hard in the ribs.
" aw, come on now Silv. You know me! I get along with everyone." she said as she watched for Lilith's reaction from the corner of her eye.
 The landscape below them began to change slowly from the lush green forests of Avalon, to the barren dullness of Caronia. It was a slow change, but obvious. The flight was a few hours, give or take a bit as Caronia and Avalon weren't close to each other at all, almost a full days journey from Pelendava. And during that time he had plenty of time to mull things over and decide what to do, it was easier to think in the air. He was vaguely aware of her struggling against his claws, one and awhile her tail would slash against his sides and he woud flinch, but not stop. His mind was pre-occupied. He couldn't kill Frill, that much he knew. He had known that from the start, and had been foolish to assume otherwise.

And in that moment he had changed his mind, he wouldn't take her to Caronia as had been his origional plan. Instead of taking her directly to Mount Mandalla where the main camp of Caronia was situated, he veered off sharply to the left with a quick, sudden descent that sent butterflies through his stomach. This was the point of no return, if he continued he would be forced to hand over Frill to Tenebrae, and who knew what he would do.

The dive he put them into was steep and fast, and when he finally unfurled his wings to slow them down the G-forces tore even more at Frill's wings as Jester pulled up. They were very low now, following the edge of a cliff that dropped off on one side, going straight down into darkness. After only a few seconds, Jester banked again into another steep dive down into the darkness below the cliff and circled around once before ducking under an outcrop into a large half-cave. It was very dark in the cave, not even the light of the moon or stars penetrated the thick blackness that hung in the air. He dropped Frill onto the cave floor, which was covered in a slimy layer of moss and sludgy water, and landed in front of her to block the exit. "I'm sorry." He said after a moment, his voice echoing strangely off the cave walls.

Frill remained where she was dropped, pulling her wings against her sides and glaring at him with darkened eyes.
She attempted to calmly assess the situation, but it seemed any sense of calm she once had was off and gone somewhere miles away. Probably in a much happier, and safer, place than she was. She watched him, her feet resting on the clammy, soggy floor; nose clogged with the cave's stale scent. "I am not going there. I hope you if you try to take me, you'll bloody well be taking me in pieces."
She smiled mildly, her eyes wide with innocence.mshe could see the indecision on Silv's face, and she savored it for a moment. She had noticed his pain earlier, and she took advantage of that now. She poked him hard in the ribs.
" aw, come on now Silv. You know me! I get along with everyone." she said as she watched for Lilith's reaction from the corner of her eye.

He flashed her with his golden-yellow teeth, his tail whizzing by her face. Ohh, oh oh. So this is how you're gonna play, sprite? Just do it again....
Silv was both irritated and intrigued by the obnoxious dragoness, mostly irritated. "You wanna test that fact, sprite? Go say hey yourself, your people skills are stunning. I bet she'll just fall all over ya. Like a ton'a bricks."
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