The Frankenchicky Diaries (& Derpy)


10 Years
Mar 4, 2013
Lucasville, OH
ETA 10/13/13 - ----------------------------------------------- I felt I was spamming the OH and Hatchalong thread enough with my news on Frankenchicky and Derpy, so here's their own update thread! Incase anyone is interested.. or wants to judge how poorly I care for these kids.. There is no guarantee that these two will make it more than a few days, so I advise not following if you aren't prepared for that outcome. First, introductions:
Derpy is a Cornish bantam that hatched the evening of Oct 7. So as of right now, he/she/it (I'll use "she" generically from here on out for convenience) is 2 days old, from a bantam variety group of shipped eggs, most of which didn't hatch sadly. This little gal was special from second she hatched. I don't know what went wrong, but she has obvious neurological problems as her head shakes or bobs around and she can't stand up for very long without toppling over and rolling around. I don't have the heart to put her down just yet, as long as she has the will to live, and isn't starving/thirsting/etc. As of right now, she isn't eating, will drink when I "make" her, but acts like she has a hard time getting it down. Tomorrow, I will start trying to syringe feed her a special "Chicky Shake". If it doesn't go well and I feel she is suffering at all, I will put her down. Then there's Frankenchicky. She is (supposed to be..) a Coturnix/Japanese Quail, A&M, I believe. She hatched the morning of Oct 8, and is roughly a day and a half old as of writing this. She was one of 32 shipped eggs, 9 of which hatched. Frankenchicky was the last to hatch. After the left-overs were 3 days overdue, I started eggtopsies. Most were infertile or early quitters, a couple were fully developed, looked like Frankenchicky, and died probably trying to hatch out, and she herself was, to my surprise, still alive when I did an artificial-pip-check, so I zipped her just a little and saw right away that her beak was malformed like the other two, so I stuck her back in the incubator and let nature takes it's course...if she was strong enough, she would hatch; if she wasn't, it was best that way. Checked a few hours later and the tough little booger had hatched. It was then I noticed not only her beak was malformed. Her head is a bit small and odd..her beak is large in comparison, has an "underbite" (which I snipped to correct temporarily), and is slightly scissored..her toes were curled..her right wing seemed slightly gimpy..and most importantly, she had no eyes. (So, obviously, blind. It seems she can hear, at least). Ready for photos?...
(tape shoes..took care of the curly toes!)
I've heard that deformations like this can be caused by temperature being too high during early incubation. Considering two others looked like her, that would seem likely, but I know for a fact (and not judging by the wonky thermometer that came with the thing..) the temp in the Brinsea Mini she incubated in held pretty rock-solid and never went over 100. So it wouldn't be that that caused it. I don't know if the mother had some kind of deficiency..if something scrambled during shipping..or what. Can't fix it now, I guess. Anyways. I figured Frankenchicky wouldn't make it more than an hour, so I left her be. She made it. I didn't think she'd survive the night. She did. My bet now is that she won't make it a week, but we'll see..she's a fighter and has a strong will to live. She's actually doing better than Derpy in that she can stand and walk longer, but does still topple over and roll around, and will drink when I give her water. Still no eating, but we'll try the syringe "shake" tomorrow and see how that goes. I don't have the heart to put her down either until I determine that she is in pain, starving or thirsting, none of which she seems to be currently. Now, back to tonight's activities. This evening, I spent hours trying to devise ways for them to be able to stand/walk. Mostly for support so they didn't spend the majority of the day on their backs. I had a mess of pipe cleaners, felt, craft sticks, scissors, glue, kiddo's un-played-with toy cars and pieces I yanked off those cars. This is what I came up with for Derpy. I admit, it does look like some kind of torture devise, but she seems happier in it vs flopping around on her back, and she can actually walk in it when she wants. I've since cut out a bottom-hole in the felt sling so she can potty without making a mess of herself.
For Frankenchicky, we had to try more contraptions to suit her. We tried a small-scale version of the Derpmobile, unsuccessfully. She just wanted to lie flat..
We tried a sled, unsuccessfully. It was a bit too heavy for her to maneuver.
We tried a baby-walker-style..much better!
We made some adjustments, and now we have the special kids nursery! (My homemade styrobator with the temp turned down just a titch. It's temporary until I come up with a larger special-needs-compatible brooder).
I know some folks might think my impromptu wheelchairs are cruel, but they really do seem happier being able to move around and the devises are very temporary. Even if they don't serve the purpose of helping them learn to stand and walk, I will be removing them soon (within a day or two probably) so their little bodies don't get too accustomed to the devises. And some folks will probably think I'm cruel for not killing them right away, but as I've said, I don't have the heart to do it until it's absolutely necessary, and as long as they have the will to live. I'll care for them the best I can in the meantime. I'll be updating their progress in this thread if anyone cares to follow along. If not, that's fine, it's also just a kind of "keeping record" for me. Cookies all around if you read it all!
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So Frankenchicky keeps sneaking out of her walker, but she is actually walking pretty good now..just an occasional I've left her out for now. She kept crying though, walking around blindly (no sick pun intended), so I put a stuffed toy, roughly the size of a mama quail, in with her. She cuddled right up to it and I haven't heard a peep yet.
Thank you! I expected more of the "You selfish witch! Cull the things!" response LOL.

I'll let them know more people care about their little lives! :D Teehee.
Thank you! I expected more of the "You selfish witch! Cull the things!" response LOL.

I'll let them know more people care about their little lives!
If they are not in long term pain, I wouldn't cull them. I love what you made. I have had some difficult problems to fix. I wish I had thought of something like you did. I'm buying pipe cleaners to have just in case. You are a genius.
Awwww they are so cute in their little special needs cars! Poor babies, I hope they make it but it'd be understandable if they don't. It sounds to me like you are being both responsible and compassionate in good balance. You are not keeping a suffering animal going for your benefit, as you say if they aren't in pain then it is worth a shot. Do you suppose some of Frankenchicky's deformities could be from being stuck in the shell too long since she had trouble? (The gimpy wing for example?)
Awwww they are so cute in their little special needs cars! Poor babies, I hope they make it but it'd be understandable if they don't. It sounds to me like you are being both responsible and compassionate in good balance. You are not keeping a suffering animal going for your benefit, as you say if they aren't in pain then it is worth a shot. Do you suppose some of Frankenchicky's deformities could be from being stuck in the shell too long since she had trouble? (The gimpy wing for example?)

I'm really not sure. I'd say maybe the curled toes, but I guess that's a common problem, two of Frankenchicky's otherwise-normal siblings also had curled toes (tape shoes cured those, too). The wing looked short at first, but I think it looks more normal now besides having a bit of extra skin attaching it on the backside (kind of "webbed").
Thanks everyone! It's encouraging to hear your responses!
They both made it through the night! Frankenchicky's standing ability degraded overnight and she was toppling more, so she went back in the walker. She's not a fan of it now. Stretches on her little tiptoes (and she is tall when she wants to be!) trying to step out of it. She hobbled over to the stuffed mouse, though, and calmed down. Derpy somehow managed to get the back wheels off her Chickmobile overnight. So I popped her out and let her loose while I fixed it and was reminded how bad her mobility is. Stands for just a second, pops like she's a popcorn kernel and flips either face first or straight on her back and rolls around like a turtle on it's back. She might have to be in the cart for a bit longer than Frankenchicky.. Got her back in it, and she is resting peacefully now. Here are a couple short video clips of them from yesterday. I'll try to get better ones later today. Frankenchicky in Prototype 1. Pardon the mess. This was in the heat of my cart-building and I had craft supplies all over the place. Derpy taking a tumble. This was yesterday morning when she was actually walking better than she does now. The flip is just after the light shuts off again, and is fairly sad, so if you will be crushed to see a chick biting the dust and flailing..don't watch. The bright flash at the beginning, by the way, is the heat/bator light turning on. And Frankenchicky's two siblings with the curled toes have a short cameo here pre-tape-shoes.
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