The Front Porch Swing

You do realize I'm going to keep pestering you right.

Oh gross! Minty guinea cookies! . Someone put a stop to her and save the poor poor silly guineas!
TN I know that you and caj probably have something worked out but if you are interested in a couple more pairs, I am selling some of mine.
For those of you with the rhodebars... tell me what you think about them... Good layers, useable for meat maybe?? I'm trying to decide between them and a nice quad of German New Hampshire that I have.. I don't have enough space for both... the GNH have been really good layers and are good for meat too, but obviously aren't autosexing... so if you could choose between the 2 which would you guys chose?

Congrats dalooras....I got my first egg out of my only Wheaten Marans pullet yesterday!
Now I just need to find her a roo....

Nice!! Mine won't lay until winter, I'm sure, they're about 2 months old now.. I have 5 cockerels, sorry I don't know how to ship, though

Glad to see you made it! Now for some . Yeah! Don't you dare disappear on me again! Nobody else wants to . I know I can count on you!

Lol, you guys make me laugh!!
Glad to see you made it! Now for some . Yeah! Don't you dare disappear on me again! Nobody else wants to . I know I can count on you!
I didn't disappear! Just needed a change of venue!

Dalooras...mine are too young yet to know how they are egg production wise, but they do grow fast compared to some of the other breeds I have, so I assume they will be laying in a couple far as meat, with they way the cockerals are growing, I would say in about 5-7 months you would have a nice fryer, and a little later than that maybe a nice broiler.
Well I won't know until mine either grow up or hatch enough to find out. The GNHs are older and very nice, but we also have dark Cornish that are meaty as all get outs and lay a medium sized egg. We have RLW Cornish too. So if the roosters are too skinny we sell them to our Hmong customers. They love our birds. Sorry I can't help with your dilemma.

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