The Front Porch Swing

Totally agree...let me go in my sleep out of nowhere!!!

On an odd note...I refused to break my "will never buy another store bought egg" record...Its been 5 years and yesterday....I almost HAD to break it! DD graduated Friday and her party is at my house today...The food Ive made requires lts of eggs!!! The cake alone was 10! I ran out needing 9 eggs ...I refused to go to the store and patiently waited for my "girls" to lay throughout the day! I got 10 with 1 duck egg to spare! Game on!!!! Hahaha My DH and kids thought I was crazy!!!
Totally agree...let me go in my sleep out of nowhere!!!

On an odd note...I refused to break my "will never buy another store bought egg" record...Its been 5 years and yesterday....I almost HAD to break it! DD graduated Friday and her party is at my house today...The food Ive made requires lts of eggs!!! The cake alone was 10! I ran out needing 9 eggs ...I refused to go to the store and patiently waited for my "girls" to lay throughout the day! I got 10 with 1 duck egg to spare! Game on!!!! Hahaha My DH and kids thought I was crazy!!!
Good for you!!! and good for your girls for helping you out! I feel the same way! I even refuse to order eggs when we are out for breakfast at a restaurant. I can get eggs any way I like them at home, and better quality. So I get Waffles! it's a sacrifice, but one I am willing to make...LOLOLOL
So we didn't even accomplish a single thing on either of our lists yesterday. made progress, but nothing we can definitively cross off the list. so today is all about crossing things off the list. Wish me luck!!!!

(relaxing is for wimps)
So I am nervous. one of my tasks for today (it isn't on the list from yesterday but it became apparent that it was needed, so I am going to write it on the list so I can cross it off!) is to clip feathers on our Dorking Rooster, Mongo. Mongo is escaping the backyard to go pick fights with Xander, our front yard rooster. and poor Xander was bleeding pretty badly on his comb yesterday and is now all scabby-combed from it. and we like Xander. he is a sweetheart. so Mongo must stay put.

I have never clipped a wing before. I have read the articles and know to only do one and which feathers to cut and how far down. I know to have pliers and cornstarch ready in case I cut a bloodfeather. but I am still pretty nervous.

My DH won't fly. The older we get, the less fearful he is of flying and a possible crash....for all the reasons you mentioned above.
Prayers for the families that lost loved ones are being said.

Crystal (or anyone else with Salmon Favorelle knowledge).........I thought I had a pair when they were little because one had some black feathers.

Now am thinking two black in the breast means pullet, right? Hatched April 6, they are just over two months old in these pictures.

I make lists too. Sometimes nothing actually gets accomplished for days at at time even though I am flailing away at it. then all of a sudden it all comes together ant things get accomplished all at once.
Put on your list: "sit down and have a cup of tea." then you can at least have the satisfaction of putting a line through something.

Good luck with the wing. I am not sure I would have the nerve, but when things need to be done we find a way.
Ok turkey experts help, we have lost three turkeys in 2 weeks they are about 10 weeks old I think. Bourbon Reds only one even acted weak they are just dead. Could it be the damp weather and the floors being wet for 2-4 days?
Ok turkey experts help, we have lost three turkeys in 2 weeks they are about 10 weeks old I think. Bourbon Reds only one even acted weak they are just dead. Could it be the damp weather and the floors being wet for 2-4 days?
I am no turkey expert, but last year I lost 7 poults after putting them in a pen with an outside access that included pasture grass under tall trees. The morning grass was dewy and didn't always dry during the day due to shade. Chickens had previously been in that area. I came out and found one dead one morning and another that after noon. It was cocci and by the time I got Corid from Tractor Supply and treated them, I lost 7....only two survived. I saw that you don't use medication, but if they are dying, that may be your only chance to save them. Mine were on a medicated starter until they were six weeks old and in brooders off the ground away from the chickens. I moved them to their coop. No problems until I started letting them out into the grass.
This year they were in a wire bottom brooder pen until last weekend (9 weeks). Now they are in a sand bottomed run and will not be having outside access until mid-summer when everything is dry and they are older. YMMV

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