The Front Porch Swing

Hey Debi! Still no crow out of my blue Araucana from you...........It will be 4 months old on Sept 5
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Our kids have been in school for 2 weeks. LOL Well I have a Bantam Chocolate Orp broody again, dang that is crazy.
mine start tomorrow...yayyy! I have a Muscovy duck that has brooded three hatches this year and working on her's weird.

Hey Debi! Still no crow out of my blue Araucana from you...........It will be 4 months old on Sept 5
Nota..... my 4 month old polish did his first crow the day before yesterday.... yours will be soon
are ya sure it's a roo? looks henny to me.
We are so happy and blessed. We have 4 Augsburgers laying and confirmed fertility tonight. Yippee at the fair these guys lay and how young they lay I may have a new favorite layer.
I don't have augs, but I swear every single bird I have on the place are in moult, laying is weird, roos look funny without their long tail feathers. I hope it doesn't last too long.

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