The Front Porch Swing


I have a lonely little chocolate chick (I'm pretty sure it's a cockerel) growing out from you. He's so cute and took forever to start feathering out!
Those chicks from Napoleon do take forever. I have two growing out and the little rooster still hasn't gotten all his feathers in. Congrats!

I have a lonely little chocolate chick (I'm pretty sure it's a cockerel) growing out from you. He's so cute and took forever to start feathering out!

Those chicks from Napoleon do take forever.  I have two growing out and the little rooster still hasn't gotten all his feathers in.  Congrats!

Thanks! He's so much smaller than his Bresse hatch mates. Lol
I have had chickens in my greenhouse for almost 2 years now. It was supposed to be a temporary coop, and for most of the birds is was. It's just that as I get new coops to move birds into, I keep refilling the "temporary" coop with new ones.

Last summer, we were carrying the birds across the drive to the fenced area to free-range during the day. This year I replaced some of the polycarbonate panels with hardware cloth panels so there is lots of ventilation on the hot days. I haven't decide whether I will put the polycarbonate back in for the winter, or just cover the hardware cloth panels with a tarp.

Of course, I don't try to grow anything in the greenhouses while the chickens are in it. Especially during the winter, watering plants in the greenhouse would make it way too humid for the chickens, unless you plan on keeping it well heated in the winter.

We are taking the weekend off and going to Jeckel Island then back to work. Hopefully pick up a Light Brahma Rooster on the way home to put in with our GFF Blue Columbian Brahmas to improve type. They are nice but improvement never hurt.
Ohhh.... would love to see a picture!!

I take sneaky broodies and lock them in a dark cage, coop, or even box. Anything to make it nice and quite for them to settle back onto their eggs.

I also use a greenhouse for over wintering. We started Eva and her siblings in the house in jan. when we got them and moved them into the greenhouse in March. The following winter we still had four of them and they wintered fine out there. The boys were getting rather hefty and not getting around so well, so they went the way of a tasty meal, but the girls were/are my pet. Last winter we moved them and the midgets into our old camper, but we are still using the greenhouse as a grow out. I think there are around 150 midgets roosting all over in the rafters. I love turkeys! Even though it looks like a major pillow fight happened on my lawn. Krazy how is miss Phyliss doing?

My Fidget recently became momma for the first time. She had been getting pushed off her nest each time the eggs were getting close to hatch and another girl became momma. Well after we lost Harvey I gave Fidget alltherest of Harvey's eggs. A few weeks ago one of those precious eggs got dented pretty badly, so I took it and another into the house to incubate. I used medical tape to protect the egg. On Saturday the other egg hatched and on Sunday morning I woke to cheeping. I hurried to help it as with the tape it could zip by itself. After breakfast i gave it to momma and checked her other eggs. All were pipped and at lunch time she had 5 precious little Harvey babies. I'm amazed at the scrappiness of that little dented one. Harvey was a survivor and she passed on some awesome genes. I think that was the last of her eggs. I will check under the other girls, but I'm pretty sure that was it, but we are blessed to have some of her special little poults. And with Fidget i can still play with the babies!

Glad to know some of you use your greenhouses, and parts of the country that are much more humid than here... We just finished one pen and need to finish 2 more, but the birds that we moved in seem to like it so far, and much less drafty than where they are during the summer!!
I forgot to share the good news. We have acquired a new Light Brahma rooster to put over our Blue Columbian Brahmas. He is from a show line and actually placed very well earlier in the year.

We also picked up 8 more Jubilees that originally were from Fancy Chick.

wow...I spend that much on straight run baby chicks.
No kidding!! Wow, I wish I lived by you, I would snatch up some of those pullets in a heart beat!!

Goodness it is quiet here!! Sad to see everyone drifting away... Did you all go somewhere else?? I know my life has just been crazy... DH is now working out of town 3 weeks of the month, so I have very little quiet time, as I have to use night to get everything done that I can't do when kids are awake... plus I was still working full-time for a little while when he started his new job, money has been so tight, it has been really frustrating... But I recently was able to go back to part-time and it is sooo nice to spend most of my time with my kiddos, although I am exhausted from pretty much being a single mom right now and still recovering from working fulltime while DH was gone... phew!!

Enough complaining... how bout the rest of you??
Originally Posted by Daloorashens

Things here are busy. We have a small, three person, office and one is retiring.........and it isn't me! Extra time is being spent learning the parts of her job that I didn't know. The fall brought trips to see the children and grandchildren before the winter weather arrives so things here got put aside. Now it is cold and miserable for outside work but it still has to be done.

I hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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