The Gen Z Thread

Hello gen z peops, just wanted to give you some advice from a borderline gen x/y. I know right now and specially in this tech flooded world the most attractive thing might be to be connected on the net all the time, lwatching TV series or movies, music stars, etc. So here's the advice: Please try and learn a trade, search for videos on how to be handy and self-sufficient.

Don't buy into the old aged American dream "I will work for this company and eventually become CEO or will eventually retire to the peace and calm away from the big cities when I'm old and tired".
Look for a simple, independent business that you can start and if you feel like spending money on things (in my adolescence and later years I was into Manga, anime and was a bit of a nerdish outcast, with a couple of friend here and there; the other people in my gen were into parties/alcohol/night clubs and aiming to go to the corporate world), buy tools that might help you in the future, start saving to buy yourself a property/house.
Too much time is wasted, trust me and at some point you reach a point in your life where you wish you had started earlier, I might sound like an old farm (I'm in my late 30's) and really did wish someone had given me this advice I'm giving you. I grew up in a big city, my parents (baby boomers) wanted the best education (put us in an international school, with the "best" school programs, even got invitation to go abroad to an ivy league college), paid for my college abroad in the US and the truth was that I was fooled into thinking that what they wanted for me was what I wanted. It took me about 3 years working in the hotel industry to realize that although I loved what I had studied (culinary arts and restaurant management) I didn't want to be enslaved by some transnational company and I wanted something of my own where I was boss of my own schedule and that I had always loved life in the countryside. It took me another 11 years to get to where I am now, where I want to be. So try to define exactly what you want now and work for it, don't waste your time, become the best version of you now, because once you've past the 20's barrier it's really difficult for people to change bad habits or misconceptions. Society has sold the "it's OK if you don't find someone, you like being single" but the truth is that everyone wants to be with someone, so work to be the best version of you so that when that special person comes, you get to build a strong good foundation. Relationships are not about opposite attracting, it's about people who have similar goals and interests and complement you (you have what they lack in good traits and viceversa). Don't make the mistake of getting together with someone and think they must change what they like because they love you, a person who loves the night-life and the big city will never love the country-side or living in a farm.

So that's it for now, that's what advice I can give. Oh yeah don't feel bad if you don't fit in with the people that suround you right now, start looking for the kind of people that you want to be surrounded by. If you like museums, culture, or I'd you like crafts or animals or whatever you like, go look for people like you in places where you might actually find them, high-school is not the place where you will usually find them (unless there's some sort of club or something).
Actally I plan on being a country singer, so thx!

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