The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

Used to work as a GM at Jack's and I would talk to the GM from Selma during meetings and she said the same thing. *laugh* Business was terrible at that store.
They are here!




Now what do I do? Scrolling through Hatching 101........
Wisher1000 how do I give you trader feedback, do I list this thread where it asks for url ? You will get 100% A+++ rating from me if I can figure out how to do this. The packing and eggs were outstanding! Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D
They are here!

Now what do I do? Scrolling through Hatching 101........
Generally and what I do:

Candle to check the air cell and to make sure it is in the big end. Sometimes it is hard to tell with Marans eggs. Wisher marks the big end so that should be easy.
Let them warm up a bit. You do not need to let them rest for 24 hours. Studies have shown that getting them incubating sooner is better for hatch rates. A couple of hours at room temp should be fine.

Put them into the incubator with the big end up and do not turn them for 3 to 6 days depending on the condition of the air cell. Some say 8 days but I don't think that helps. Turn on the turner and candle on day 7.

Try to get the incubator to 99.5 at egg level. Do not make big adjustments to temperature. Do not adjust for 24 hours. I keep humidity at 15 to 40% and 65+ at lockdown.

Happy hatching!
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That egg looks porous, hmmmm, I thought I checked them all, sorry. It should be fine, but keep a close eye and pull it if it doesn't develop or quits. Good thing I sent extras!

SCG - did any of your blue eggs look like that?

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