The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

Here are my 4 that hatched from Wisher. 2 EE and 2 BCM.
I must have done something wrong with the rest. I just did eggtopsy and 5 were fully at day 21 best I can tell. Not shrink wrapped. Looked more wet than anything.
Three eggs were about day 18 not as developed.
Three were goop which were BCM and I should have tossed at first or second candle but couldn't see inside them well enough.
SO very happy with the 4 I got though, they are so sweet, happy and healthy.

Here are my 4 that hatched from Wisher. 2 EE and 2 BCM.
I must have done something wrong with the rest. I just did eggtopsy and 5 were fully at day 21 best I can tell. Not shrink wrapped. Looked more wet than anything.
Three eggs were about day 18 not as developed.
Three were goop which were BCM and I should have tossed at first or second candle but couldn't see inside them well enough.
SO very happy with the 4 I got though, they are so sweet, happy and healthy.


Things to look into:

Temperature swings, too low or too high temperature and humidity.

If you were dry hatching, up the humidity by 5%. It you were going traditional and were in the 55% range, lower it 5 to 10%.

Take notes on the condition of the chicks and give this a go:
I kept humidity 40-45% then up to 75% at lockdown. I think my temp must have been low. That is a great article, I saved it for future reference.
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I kept humidity 40-45% then up to 75% at lockdown. I think my temp must have been low. That is a great article, I saved it for future reference.
Yes, too low temps does not allow them to absorb the yolk correctly.

Great job troubleshooting the hatch!
That is why I incubate in one and hatch in another--I pre warm the hatcher so no temp drop from switching from incubating to hatching--They need to warm up when adding all of that water.
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So a person should hatch at 99.5 F and at 45% RH? or higher? Lock down on day 18 with 75% RH?

So a person should hatch at 99.5 F and at 45% RH? or higher? Lock down on day 18 with 75% RH?

The temperature is internal for the egg. Check at the center of the egg level.

The humidity level seems to work best for me if set between 35 and 45%. 65% to 75% works well for lockdown. After hatching, trouble shoot it and adjust as necessary.

Happy hatching!
The temperature is internal for the egg. Check at the center of the egg level.

The humidity level seems to work best for me if set between 35 and 45%. 65% to 75% works well for lockdown. After hatching, trouble shoot it and adjust as necessary.

Happy hatching!
Ok! So I have a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance EX with Humidity pump and ordered a Spot check digital thermometer. I should set the RH at 40% during hatching & 70% during lockdown? Do you have a particular way you suspend the thermometer probe at mid-level of the egg?

Also once you get the temp stabilized before eggs (empty) Do you leave it alone for at least 24 hours once eggs are added because I am assuming the temp will fall down after adding eggs. The Humidity pump should automatically adjust the RH in a period of time once eggs are added also. Correct?

Quote: I put the temperature probe through the vent hole. It said 99.3 degrees. The humidity pump spins quickly until it gets to the target and then slows down. It often over shoots by 5% or so. The RH is controlled by a plug that powers the pump and runs the pump when the humidity drops.

I love it. It only takes a couple of minutes to get the humidity up. I turnoff the incubator when I lift the lid or else the pump keeps on running.

You will have very nice hatches with the Brinsea!

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