The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

If I candle them what should I look for? I candled them before lockdown and they fully developed.
Look at the air cell--look for a beak sticking out of it. You may even see a beak moving in the eggs. Listen for them to chirp too.

I hope they are alive!
And the waiting begins..........................
this should be an incubator..
Today is hatch day..............
Anyway....horrible time with humdity.could not get it up.
Moved the incubator into the kitchen and put a pot of water on the stove to boil........
57 now...better than 50 but not where I would like it to be.....................
and I am not sure my eggs are alive. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Hate this part...........I am going to go plant my Pansies.
Just candled all of them. There is no beak sticking out of the air cell. Are they dead??? Please tell me they aren't dead.
Give them a couple more days.

What breeds did you set?

If they do not hatch, Crack them open and post pictures. We will help you figure out why so that you will have better results next time. I crack open every egg that comes out of my incubator and adjust based on what I find.
So here are my first shipped eggs!

So now my question.... What can I use to clean these very dirty eggs?! Do you think I should even bother setting them in the incubator with them having arrived so dirty?

There was one damaged one that got goo on the one next to it (In this last pic they are in the separate carton) Out of the rest, I would say two are clean.....

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