The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

They are here!

Now what do I do? Scrolling through Hatching 101........

YAY! They look great. Leave them at room temp for a few hours, make sure your incubator is to temp and holding steady then put them in pointy side down when they and you are ready. I don't candle them, I will put anything in the incubator and give it a chance.

That egg looks porous, hmmmm, I thought I checked them all, sorry. It should be fine, but keep a close eye and pull it if it doesn't develop or quits. Good thing I sent extras!

SCG - did any of your blue eggs look like that?

No I didn't get anything porous. But even if I did, they hatch fine. No worries.

And another question, I have more eggs that should be here tomorrow, do I go ahead and put these in the bator today, or put them in tomorrow night with the other eggs I receive?

I would wait. The ones hatching early will cause the humidity to go wonky. That's just my opinion. I wait, if it's not too long. If they don't come tomorrow though, I'd put the others in. You get all kinds of differing opinions.

And for those of us interested in my sleep habits: I barely made it to work today, shift started at 0500. Got there at 0455. That's too close for comfort for this girl but the roads were slick. Tomorrow I work 1500-2300 (although I'm supposed to also work my regular shift of 0700-1530, but I'm refusing tomorrow on account of having company), then back at 0700 on Thursday. Regardless of what I work I'm up by 0430. That's why it appears I don't sleep. I am totally a morning person. I would go to sleep every night at 1800 if I could. I was up at 0245 this morning, no alarm required.

And for those interested in my eggs, nothing yet.
I have a pip!


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