The Great Egg Shipping Experiment!

One box,the eggs were in bubble wrap but not in a egg carton,they were on their sides and news paper stuffed in around them.I think they would have faired better if they had been in a egg carton and more news paper to make it tighter.
Out of 17 eggs 7 has made it to lock down.And only 3 look like they might hatch.I have opened all that I discarded and no growth.Hope I get a couple babies and that they are firizzled.
Quote: Good luck henney penny! I hope you get more than 3. Mine go into lockdown Wednesday.

Ron, the video of the Bresse is adorable!
Thank You!

They are amazing. I read that they can be used as a dual purpose breed and lay lots of medium to large eggs. I need to see how they do over the summer here and if they do well I might keep arrange to keep a Roo in the country for breeding.
No one else has done anything. So I moved chick to the brooder with my three bantams that are five days old. They are all in love. Wisher this is from a blue egg, has no feathers on legs. Chipmunk color with green legs, and beautiful oblong eyes.

Here are the pics of the peeps that hatched from wishers eggs, 3 EE's and 4 BCM's. I tried to get some nice frontal shots of them but they just kept turning around! I am not sure if they were trying to tell me something or not....LOL

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sure! doing a big hatch for the Easter hatch. I hatch a bunch in the spring, keep the desirable females and cull (eat) the rest come fall. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. You should see how the chickens you buy from the store are raised! very sad indeed. I have actually seen it in person when I lived in Virginia.

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