The great yolk color debate

Update: 7 days to notice an orange color to the yolks on the leghorn, vibrancy change but no color yet for the Wyandotte, but she takes longer between eggs, would expect that from her.

Wasn’t able to take pics I’ve got a very sick horse this week so I’m a little scattered and I didn’t have my phone at breakfast.
Hi. How about Mexican mint, sweet mace, etc. Tagetes lucida? Tiny marigold flowers, smells sweet, nice? It is used as a herb for humans.
On a side note of wow...One year, I bought my mother yellow lantana plants (lantana camara, yellow variety) to compliment her house color. Two houses down, there were/are a large flock of chickens that hang out. After we planted the lantana in the ground; the next day the flock came over, swooped down and ate every last lantana down to the ground. What a loss of $50.00!
This is the yolk 2 weeks after adding paprika.
Cooked sunny side up
Can you tell much difference in taste? @Cyprus??
Yes. The egg on the left was much creamier and richer in taste. More depth, if you will.
The egg on the right was still creamy, but not as much. And not as rich. Also the egg on the right did not hold up when transferred from the pan, but that could be independent from the lack of paprika.

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