The great yolk color debate

Leftover fruits and veggies are the way to go for better tasting eggs with good color. Flax seeds in small quantities are good, too, and grass clippings, so long as chemical fertilizer or weed killer (any chemicals, basically) haven't been used on the lawn.

I am not sure about using Marigold, Tagetes erecta. That type of Marigold is rather pungent and the flavor may carry over and effect the taste of eggs. But I do give my chickens fresh pot Marigold petals when they are in flower. Pot Marigold, botanical name Calendula officinalis, has been used for centuries to impart color and delicate flavor in cooking, and the flowers will brighten egg yolks, as well as increase the intensity of color on the legs of chickens with yellow legs. Poultry exhibitors sometimes use them for this purpose.

As you say, the plant normally used for egg color enhancement is Calendula, not Tagetes. Calendula’s common name is Pot Marigold, and has historically been used as an edible.
I have tried feeding with the plant, but apparently not on their like list.

I have a free range situation, and for me there is a big yolk color difference between breeds, with the Ameraucanas always having super upright dark colored yolks, and the Langshans
much paler, due to hanging around the trough instead of foraging, most likely. Even the hand raised Ameraucanas are natural foragers.
As you say, the plant normally used for egg color enhancement is Calendula, not Tagetes. Calendula’s common name is Pot Marigold, and has historically been used as an edible.
I have tried feeding with the plant, but apparently not on their like list.

I have a free range situation, and for me there is a big yolk color difference between breeds, with the Ameraucanas always having super upright dark colored yolks, and the Langshans
much paler, due to hanging around the trough instead of foraging, most likely. Even the hand raised Ameraucanas are natural foragers.
I agree, breed and foraging ability makes a big difference. Birds out there eating buds and greens will always get more vitamins and minerals in their systems, and it shows in the eggs.
My feature senses are tingling, a featured thread this will make :old

I have heard that feeding dried marigold flowers improves yolk color dramatically. However, I have yet to try it.

My girls free range 24/7 and their yolks are usually quite dark.
When they were confined 24/7 the yolks did get lighter until I switched their feed to purina layena pellets and gave them grass clippings and fresh picked clover leaves and stems. I also got better yolks when they had a flock block.

As of now, I get slightly darker eggs when I supplement their feed with Rooster Booster Feed Supplement.

I fed mine marigold dried flower pedals for a month and didn't notice a difference.
my girls LOVE marigold. ate an entire plant...roots and all!
i have been using the paprika in the warm food treats. i have definitely seen a more orange tint to the eggs.
my girls free range supervised, which can be an hour or two daily. (but to be honest mon-fri its an hour.) when they can't (rain, etc) i make sure to give lots of greens to them. literally i feed them perejil, cilantro, lettuce, etc. i do also use dried insects since my yard is small and they've eaten all the bugs that lived there. i swear it really helps keep the yolks golden!
I never updated with a comparison....

Top egg is feed only. Middle egg is feed and alfalfa hay. Bottom egg is feed, alfalfa hay, and 1-2 tablespoons of paprika added to the feed for 11 chickens.

It takes 5-6 days to see a change and consistent color reached by 8-9 days.

Most, not all of my girls eggs fall between pic 2 and pic 3. They usually lay about 4 dozen by lunch, then I turn them or to free range the rest of the day. Here in the last 3 weeks since the grass and weeds are growing, they don't want to eat the chicken feed I pot out. They seem to like God'sGod's bounty better!
@jolenesdad did they ever send you any yolk color fans yet? Or did any one else get any?

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