The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

Well, while Frieda looked very interested in the FF, she moved nothing but her head and neck, and she was quietly clucking the whole time I was out there

Thought I'd take a pic of the locked down 'bator, if for no other reason than to see how easy it'll be to get pip and zip pics

Yep, Frieda's locked down--I offered a treat to her on the nest (which is something I normally do--I figure the extra calories can't hurt, since she's only eating once a day) and she barely registered that I was there. So, since the nest box is high enough that any chicks that follow her out wouldn't be able to follow her back, I add some to lock down.

I'm so excited for you.
for Freida and bator

We are on day 21 and one egg has hatched. I'm hearing a peep from another
Yep, Frieda's locked down--I offered a treat to her on the nest (which is something I normally do--I figure the extra calories can't hurt, since she's only eating once a day) and she barely registered that I was there. So, since the nest box is high enough that any chicks that follow her out wouldn't be able to follow her back, I add some to lock down.

Love that stink eye!!! :gig

I just checked humidity, and I heard a peep!:ya

:jumpy :jumpy :jumpy
No pips yet, but Day 20 doesn't start for 5 more hours. Kinda quiet, though...

Actually, I take that back! As I was going to post, I heard loud cheeping (I'm on the other side of a wall across the room from the 'bator, and the house is quiet). I went to go look and, while I don't see any pips, I heard scratching!
No pips yet, but Day 20 doesn't start for 5 more hours. Kinda quiet, though...

Actually, I take that back! As I was going to post, I heard loud cheeping (I'm on the other side of a wall across the room from the 'bator, and the house is quiet). I went to go look and, while I don't see any pips, I heard scratching!

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