The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

Any movement yet? It's hard for me too, one of my hens are broody and is about ready to hatch. I'm just sitting here ready for action.
I'm candling after my daughters go to bed, so I don't have any "help"
It's only 3:20 here, so in about 6 hours or so.

No pips that I can see.

I just freaked out the chicks
I went out to the coop, and it was quiet in the pen, so I picked up the heating pad cave and that woke them all up.
Actually, now that I'm looking on the computer screen, neither can I... I woke up to a new, fully fluffy chick
for the new one.

I'm candling after my daughters go to bed, so I don't have any "help"
It's only 3:20 here, so in about 6 hours or so.

No pips that I can see.

I just freaked out the chicks
I went out to the coop, and it was quiet in the pen, so I picked up the heating pad cave and that woke them all up.
Well, one Sulmtaler egg was moving like mad--I think the chick was internally pipping as I was watching, because it looked like someone jabbing something up and down quickly! I did keep 3 other eggs--another Sulmtaler from outside, and 2 BCMs that had been in the incubator the whole time. I didn't see any definite signs either way, but I figured since I was keeping the incubator on anyway, I might as well keep them in. Of the 5 I tossed, one (from outside) was seeping. The one inside egg I tossed was clearly a quitter (and I wish I'd candled the incubator eggs as well as the Frieda eggs last night--then I would've had room for 1 more Frieda egg
) The other three had no movement and just looked... wrong. I can't really think of how to describe the difference between the 3 no-movement ones I kept, and the 3 no-movement ones I tossed, other than the ones I kept just for the heck of it looked less wrong.

I do hope one of the 2 BCM eggs I kept hatch, and/or that my first chick is girl--the BCMs are what I really wanted--the Sulmtalers are also cool, but I mostly asked for those 'cause I wanted something easier to candle for my first time using this incubator

I'm going to try really hard to not do the shoulda-woulda-couldas. I did stop myself from saying that if I'd just given the first chick to Frieda, she would've been in chick-raising-broody mode, and I could've moved her and the eggs to the nice, dry pen--she may have even stayed on the eggs a bit with the chick so small and not needing to eat, 'cause I remember her being confused and upset when the chicks from the feedstore wouldn't stay under her the first day, when her instincts were still telling her to stay put...

You're doing just fine... first time incubating in a bator and with shipped eggs... and Frieda working against Mother Nature...

Spring will be here before you know it and you can try again... :)
I can't believe I didn't report the pip last night! I think it was around midnight, in the egg that looked like it was getting ready to pip
I turned the egg a bit so I could see the pip easier, and there was peeping. Not very loud, though. It's almost 11am now--I think I'll give it until noon and, if there's no change, at least enlarge the pip to let more oxygen in (right now, it's just a high spot on the shell).

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