The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

They're all three girls, and all three laying--the leghorn mix just started this past week, and her white eggs are getting bigger pretty quickly! The dark blue is the biggest of my birds now--can't wait to see how big she gets! I'll get a pic tomorrow so you can see
Day 14 candle--I might maybe have one egg developing. Nothing smells, though, so I'm leaving everything in so that the maybe egg can stay in the same position.

Aircells are a little big--probably because I've been using dry folded paper towels to keep everything snug.

Lockdown is Friday. I may end up ending things then, if the maybe egg turns out to be a dud. It's one of the BCMs, so hard to see into--I'd say it was between 1/4 and 1/3 full of darkness.
I'll admit--I was dreading tonight's prelockdown candle. I was pretty certain I was going to be announcing that we were done.

Sometimes, I like being wrong!

My one egg is completely full of darkness below the aircell, and may even be drawn down (the cell is a little wonky). It was actually the first egg I candled tonight--I remembered that it was a BCM, but I hadn't marked it. I candled the other BCM eggs anyway, just 'cause, and they're all glowy.

So, here's a pic of the egg going into lockdown, with a few of the clears to keep it upright (no smells, so why not?) I put a star on the developing egg.


Yes, ladies, that's what it looks like :gig

I'll check the humidity in the morning to see if I need to add anything else, but going by what I remember from the test runs, I should be fine.
Huh, there is no emoticon on the list that covers having a brain fart! Oh, well...

I locked down a day early
The aircell is, if anything, a little big (likely because I wasn't paying attention to the humidity, since I was so sure that I wasn't going to have anything to lock down anyway--and when I did notice, it was 14%. Oops... Got it back up to 30ish% fairly quickly, though.) So I don't think an extra day at high humidity is going to hurt anything.
OK, checking what time I set the eggs makes me feel a bit better--it won't be Day 20 for 4 and a half more hours. I've been listening to the incubator very closely (a toilet paper tube may or may not have been involved :oops: ) and even found a chick peeping video to play, and there is silence (at least from the incubator).

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