The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

I've had a lot of problems with the BYC site posting images and getting compatible with the new software installed on the forum. It's fixed for me now but I had to make a new profile in order to post images again so that's why the 'MumsyII'. Any hoo...Here are a few more images of my Ron Fogle birds. I think they are beautiful at sixteen and twelve weeks old. Always looking forward to what they will grow up to be.
Have you contacted either Nifty-Chicken or terrielacy. I'm sure they can straighten out your previous profile. They helped me out a few years ago.
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Have you contacted either Nifty-Chicken or terrielacy. I'm sure they can straighten out your previous profile. They helped me out a few years ago.
I have followed all the suggestions on 'trouble shooters' and 'help' threads. It made the whole thing more of a mess. I'm just glad I have a way to keep posting images again. They did fix my ability to post images on the new profile. I'm very thankful for that. The mechanism for getting a new password for my original profile does not jive with my computer. I don't receive emails from BYC support team. It's been a struggle over the last two days just to do this much.
Thanks CMom! I've been mostly harassing peeps via PM, but I hope in few months to be a very annoying presence here on the HRIR list... Plan on working with Mumsy on R. Fogle line HRIR's... she's close enough for us to swap stock once in a while. I only have a 1/4 acre lot; thankfully it's rural enough no one cares that I have 3 coops plus a couple quarantine set ups (in the front yard)... But if I had to swap stock across country like I'm havin' to try to aquire females from TX... man oh man... (Hi RonnieWayne, rabid customer here again

Sucks being on the Pac coast for good breeding stock. Everyone out here has the spastic, "lets see what a blue silkie and a pure Rhodebar end up with" mentality. We aim to fix that! Heh.
-Aleta G.
You must be hanging with the wrong group. The Pac coast has lots of good breeders..I don't know anyone with Rhodebars or blue Silkies out here. If you mean online, yes, I suppose you will run into that, but none of that accurately depicts the real poultry scene here on the west coast. Most good breeders here don't go online.....some don't own a computer or tablet.

Hi AletaG!

I am really busy outside this time of year but I haven't forgotten you. It's going to be three or four more months before I let go of any of my boys but I know how to reach you. It will be nice to have this strain predominately in the PNW. They are such beautiful and docile birds. And BIG!
Hey! I'm not rushin' you - I'm just excited about the whole thing. Spent a couple hours at Mrs. Simon's house of BerryTangleFarm this morning. I'm trying to keep busy by planning and learning and building, but I want to keep my head bobbing up on this thread so that when the birds land in my yard and the real feathers start flying, people aren't like "and who were you again"... I can't wait. But I will! Make sense?
Thank you for the pictures, it helps

Its hot the rule is over 85 degrees no shipping live birds that's the first thing. At least where I live.
Chicks are shipped in a single nest box about 15 dollars and put ten week old or ten days in the box go to the post office about 4 pm and fill out the over night form pay the lady and bam they are off. They get to the customer in a day to a day half. You get a call in the early am your chicks are here and go pick them up put them in the brooder. Eggs different story have to work on that bob
Yessir Mr. B, sir. I am not anticipating their arrival until Fall. I'm just trying to make sure he can send 'em, or if he can't I need to know so I can make one HECK of a road trip. ACK! It's very interesting. That long convo I had with Mrs. Simon, she's about to give up sending birds East. She has just the opposite problem, where eggs arrive and are viable, and it's timely, whereas live birds (she's put temp recording devices in and everything) get misdirected, overheated or frozen. NOT COOL. But, when she is on the receiving end from East, she gets good birds, not so great eggs. Seems like the post offices on each end need to compare notes and fix a few things. Of course, USPS being what it is, they'd just start killing chicks BOTH directions. <sigh> We even chatted about trying to start a scheduled bird travel co-op. Outgoing birds collected weekly, delivered to 500m out, maybe even hop-scotched out farther with work and commitment. Bypass the bloody bureaucracy altogether. I would love being a regular driver. If I wasn't a full time SAH mom, might spearhead the darn thing. ACK!!
Just wanted to say I hope you all are coping with the heat fairly well. Sure is warm here in SW Pa. The temps are bad enough but with the humidity it is really terrible.
I'm taking plastic milk jugs, freezing water and flipping them upside down in the water bucket so the water stays cool, I do this for the dogs and the chickens, They seem to like it. It is hot down here in the South too, when you see a barn cat lay down in a puddle of water, that is hot.
I was really concerned about my Reds dealing with this heat since they are from Northern stock but so far I have had no problems. They are all in a heavily wooded area and everybody free-ranges except my Red cockerels, they are in a covered pen under trees so it stays a tad cooler.

Here is a pic of what some of my animals do during the heat of the day - siesta time.


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